Chapter 24 | Baguettes and Butterflies

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Previously On Of Wings and Warriors -
With a plan in place, Bill wrote a letter addressed to Lucius Malfoy to ask if they could meet to talk without their parents in the picture.

With a sense of urgency, Charlie, Fred, George, and Bill composed a carefully worded letter to Lucius Malfoy, explaining their situation and requesting a meeting to discuss the lawsuit. Damon offered his insights, helping them craft a respectful yet earnest plea for understanding and leniency. Once satisfied with the letter, they sent it off, hoping for a favourable response.

To their relief, Lucius Malfoy replied promptly. The next day, an elegant owl arrived at their apartment, carrying a neatly folded parchment with the Malfoy crest. Charlie read the letter aloud to his brothers and Damon.

The group exchanged hopeful glances. "Well, at least he's willing to meet with us," Bill said.

"That's a good sign," Damon added. "Let's make sure we present our case calmly and respectfully."

The Weasleys and Damon prepared for their meeting with Lucius Malfoy, wearing their best clothes to make a good impression. As they approached the gates of Malfoy Manor, they couldn't help but stand in awe of its beauty. The manor was an architectural marvel, a medieval structure adorned with Roman, Greek, and European elements, subtly blended with Indian and Persian influences.

The grand gates opened smoothly, and a house-elf greeted them with a low bow. "Please, Lord Malfoy has tolding me to be leading the Weasleys to his office. You all being following me," the elf squeaked, leading them through the opulent hallways. The interior was just as breathtaking as the exterior, with intricate carvings, luxurious tapestries, and elegant furnishings that spoke of old money and refined taste.

Finally, they reached Lucius Malfoy's study. The door swung open to reveal a spacious room lined with bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and artefacts. A large desk dominated the centre, behind which Lucius Malfoy sat, his gaze sharp and assessing as he watched them enter.

Lucius rose from his chair and greeted them politely. "Welcome. Please, make yourselves comfortable." He gestured to the already cushioned sofa, but his attention quickly turned to Damon and he noticed the baby bump. "Would you like some pillows to ensure your comfort?" he asked, his tone surprisingly considerate.

Damon shook his head with a polite smile. "No, thank you. I'm quite comfortable."

A house-elf appeared, serving them all water. Lucius took a seat behind his desk and looked at Damon again. "If there's anything else you need, please don't hesitate to ask."

Damon nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy."

Lucius clasped his hands together, his demeanour shifting to one of business. "Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Charlie cleared his throat, his voice trembling slightly as he began to speak. "Mr. Malfoy, Ron's actions are his own, and we believe it's time he faces the consequences. It's unfair to hold us responsible for his behaviour. I have my own family to think about, and the amount you're demanding is impossible for us to gather, no matter what we do. Our mother is deeply influenced by Dumbledore, and there's no way to change her mind. We only ask if there's any way you could exclude us from the terms of your lawsuit."

Lucius leaned back in his chair, his cold gaze fixed on Charlie. "Exclude you from the obligation to pay? Isn't it selfish of you to place the entire burden of the lawsuit on your parents? Doesn't this contradict your Gryffindor values of family and integrity?"

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