Back At School

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Me and Rachel said our goodbyes and then we got into my car and then we arrived at school. We both went into our own classrooms cuz we were a little late but that was fine. As I entered the classroom the only people who were there were Paddy and his friends. They all turned to me and then Paddy ran up to me and gave me two sheets of paper.

P - Miss I finally did it

Y/n - Thx you Paddy

He gave me his two sheets of hw.

Y/n - How did you mange to do it

I said that in a way of sounding clueless.

P - My brother wasn't here for like a day and half and I got everything done

Y/n - Good job Paddy but I'm still gonna mention the things that you did before to your parents.

P - But Miss I fixed what I did

Y/n - Ik but you shouldn't have done it wrong in the first place.

P - Fine

Everyone came in the classroom and we got started. 

Paddy's POV

After school Tom picked me up and he was more joyful then I've ever seen him before which ofc made me suspicious. Then when we arrived home he went to his bedroom. So I wasn't rlly bothered to go upstairs rn. So I just got some snacks and turned on my TV. Then after an hour I went to his bedroom cuz he was still in there. Then I opened his door and I saw him texting someone. I thought it was Haz for a sec but then again he seemed very giddy then usual so I asked him:

P - Hey Tom

T. -Hey Paddy

P. -I was just wondering what ur doing rn

T -  Nothing much

P - So your aren't texting anyone? 

T - Since when do you care who I text

P - I was just curious

T - Well it's none of your business. Now get out of my room

I walked closer to his bed cuz he would normally just tell me who he would be texting.

T - Paddy GET OUT!!!!

P. -Not until you tell me who ur texting

T - Why do u wanna do know so bad


I was rlly pissed like he's never sharing things with us nowadays. He's so secretive. I pretended to leave and Tom got back into his normal position on the bed as before and then I came running back and Tom wasn't ready for it and I saw him texting someone named Y/n. The before I could do or say anything else Tom pushed me.

T. - Paddy, I swear if you don't get out of my room rn I will tell mum

P.- Fine!!!!

The I went to my room and all I could think abt was the girl named y/n. It seemed so familiar but it just didn't ring a bell. And at the same time I hate when Tom blackmails me as well. Sometimes idk even know why we're related, we both hate each other. I decided to get up and do my homework or Miss Y/L/N will kill me. WAIT!!! But that's crazy no way that would happen..right??? 

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