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BTW : Paddy's swimming class finished and they are at home now

Harrison's POV

I quickly went to Toms house, knocked on the door and Tom answered.

T - Mate. What r u doing here

H - I need to talk to u. I said it seriously 

T - Ok 

Tom was worried I could sense the fear in his voice cuz he thought it was rlly important. We went up to his bedroom. He sat on the bed and I sat on his armchair on his desk.

T - So what did you want to talk abt

H - Before we begin I need to you to swear to me

 T - Ok yea what

H - That u wont ask me any questions until I'm finished 

T - Ok no just tell me now mate!

H - Ok, u went somewhere with a girl huh

Tom starts to panics and he's trying to hide it. But he's not doing a very good job at that.

T - W-who told u that?

H - No questions

T - Ok sry

H - Her name's y/n right??

He looks up

T - Y-yea

H - Do u like her

T - What noooo

I looked at him knowing that he's lying

T - Fine maybe a little bit...

H - Now u can ask questions

T - Thx god. So 1. Who told you I went out with a girl? 

H - My gf told me

T - 2. How do u know y/n?

H - My gf knows her

T - 3. How did u knowI liked her

H - I've been ur best friend since like 1st grade and I am basically ur therapist... and I've helped with any crush you've ever had

T - True ig but if u meet her again don't u dare say that I like her

H - Don't worry I won't but I think she likes u too. She literally spit her water out the second I mentioned ur name 

T - Rlly. Wow I rlly want to met her again

Then suddenly Paddy walks in.

P - Meet who again

H - Oh it's *then he suddenly covers my mouth*

T - None of ur business Paddy get outta here.

H - Well damn that was harsh. He's ur brother mate

T - y/n is Paddy's teacher

H - Oh sh!t

I was truely stunned by that news.It would be awkward if Paddy knew. That is just sad. But I knew that Tom rlly wanted to meet her again and as being the supportive and helpful friends I have to do something. but I need Rachel...

A Teacher And A Celebrity?????? Tom Holland X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now