The Worst Party Ever

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Paddy's POV

*This is before the party*

Mum had just told us that we were going to Atlanta to meet Tom. I was groaning and complaining to mum since we didn't get along but she just wouldn't listen. But then she said something abt meeting a new actress and then I was smirking. What if I see my teacher, what if she is the new actress and worse what if she is dating Tom. After what seemed like a second we were already on the plan and I was overthinking everything and then I saw Harry look at his phone and freaking out but smirking at the same time, and then he showed it to Sam who also began to hide a smirk. After a while we came to our hotel getting ready for the party. I wore a normal suit and tie since mum forced me to wear it while I argued with her but in the end she won.

We arrived at the party and then I saw Z, Jacob and Jon. So i ran up to him

J - hey paddy

P - hey Jon

J - so how's school

Seriously he literally asks me how's school is there any other conversation he could pick then SCHOOL.

P - um it's ok since I don't have my teacher right now she's actually in Atlanta

J - oh what a coincidence

P - yea

J - who's your teacher i might have come across her somewhere here

I didn't rlly want to tell him but then if i say her name his facial reactions might change so I said it so bravely.

P - Y/n Y/L/N

Jon's eyes widened and I smiled

P - do you know her

J - um can't say that I have

We talked more and then we got to the topic of the movie

P - so who's the mystery actress that my family has no clue abt

J - oh you'll see we're doing a little surprise party for her at the end and she's going to love it

P - that's great well anyways i'm going to find my mum

I said as I was looking up. The venue was beautiful and then as I looked up I saw a door closed so obviously, my stupid ass self went upstairs. As I went up I heard little thuds and when I came to the door knob I heard whispering sounds and moaning. So i thought that it would be funny to walk in on someone just making out and la at them but hopefully and fingers-crossed, that they were in clothes.

So I opened the door and thx fully no clothes were on the ground but as I looked up I saw.....

A Teacher And A Celebrity?????? Tom Holland X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now