Paddy's POV
*This is before the party*
Mum had just told us that we were going to Atlanta to meet Tom. I was groaning and complaining to mum since we didn't get along but she just wouldn't listen. But then she said something abt meeting a new actress and then I was smirking. What if I see my teacher, what if she is the new actress and worse what if she is dating Tom. After what seemed like a second we were already on the plan and I was overthinking everything and then I saw Harry look at his phone and freaking out but smirking at the same time, and then he showed it to Sam who also began to hide a smirk. After a while we came to our hotel getting ready for the party. I wore a normal suit and tie since mum forced me to wear it while I argued with her but in the end she won.
We arrived at the party and then I saw Z, Jacob and Jon. So i ran up to him
J - hey paddy
P - hey Jon
J - so how's school
Seriously he literally asks me how's school is there any other conversation he could pick then SCHOOL.
P - um it's ok since I don't have my teacher right now she's actually in Atlanta
J - oh what a coincidence
P - yea
J - who's your teacher i might have come across her somewhere here
I didn't rlly want to tell him but then if i say her name his facial reactions might change so I said it so bravely.
P - Y/n Y/L/N
Jon's eyes widened and I smiled
P - do you know her
J - um can't say that I have
We talked more and then we got to the topic of the movie
P - so who's the mystery actress that my family has no clue abt
J - oh you'll see we're doing a little surprise party for her at the end and she's going to love it
P - that's great well anyways i'm going to find my mum
I said as I was looking up. The venue was beautiful and then as I looked up I saw a door closed so obviously, my stupid ass self went upstairs. As I went up I heard little thuds and when I came to the door knob I heard whispering sounds and moaning. So i thought that it would be funny to walk in on someone just making out and la at them but hopefully and fingers-crossed, that they were in clothes.
So I opened the door and thx fully no clothes were on the ground but as I looked up I saw.....

A Teacher And A Celebrity?????? Tom Holland X Reader
Storie d'amoreY/n Y/L/N, a teacher at Paddy Holland's school meets his oldest brother for the first time. Will it be love at first sight? Or will they just be friends? Will it affect Paddy and her students?