A/N - Warning : This chapter is gonna be a long ride in the rollercoaster
Y/n's POV
Me and Tom we're continuing to have our very deep make-out session. I heard footsteps but Tom's lips kept me distracted. Clothes were thankfully not involved in this session but then all of a sudden the door opened somehow and I think Tom forgot to lock the door. I pulled away from Tom who got confused for a sec then saw the venue lights and looked to where the door was and I was hoping it was Haz or Rachel but when we locked eyes with that soul it didn't even take me a second to realise that that was my student.
T - oh fuck no
Y/n - we're so dead
I whispered to tom
T - fr
He whispered back
P - WHAT THE FUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then Tom ran to him and covered his mouth before he could get in trouble by his mother for swearing. Paddy closed the door and me and tom were ready to hear his rant.
Y/n - y-yea and I can't believe my student found out
T - wait what are you even doing here!!???
P - i didn't want to come see ur ugly face as well but mum had already booked the flight to Atlanta
Y/n - oh um this is rlllyyyyy awkward
P - you think???
Y/n - jeez
P - also I might have been imagining things but did I see a pregnant miss smith
T - not for long
Tom mumbles while i chuckled
Y/n - uuummm yeah but she's not in the movie Jon invited her here
P - right and also i kinda knew that you guys were a thing
Me and Tom both widened our eyes
Y/n - how you didn't even know I was in the movie?????
P -well isn't it kinda obvious you left london around the same time as tom and then I heard ur voice on the phone with tom and i also heard your voice when you were on fac-time with harry and sam.
Y/n - wow ur good
P - yeah well I have an amazing teacher that talks sense into me
Y/n - ur talking abt me right
P - yes Miss Y/L/N
Y/n - call me y/n outside of school it's kinda weird that you say it now
P - good point i just didn't know what to call you
He nervously chuckles
T - wait, so are you mad at us???
P - you yes y/n no
T - oh ok
P - yea and then after that I told Jon abt you y/n and then he widened his eyes so i knew you were here.
Speaking of Jon he came in and told us that we had to come downstairs for a surprise. I was confused while Tom was smirking and Paddy was just smiling. I walked downstairs and then when we came downstairs to suddenly just covered my eyes and then Paddy held my hand so I could have balance. Then Tom's hand let go of my eyes and I saw ballon's popping, confetti, a cake, and a congrats sign. Then, on my right, I saw a big projector and snacks and pop-corn.
J - congrats y/n
Y/n - thx you soo much
Everyone settled down by the projector probably to watch our movie. Then a red head woman and black haired man came up to me.
N - hi y/n congrats for your first movie i'm sure you would have done very well
D - well we're about to see it anyways
Y/n - thx also who are you
N - oh sry I'm Nikki Tom's mum
If my fangirl self was watching this she would have been disappointed that I didn't know who his mother and father was.
Y/n - and i'm guessing your his dad right?
D - yep
N - wait you look familiar what's your last name
Fuck ofc she knewI I'm Paddy's teacher. What a nice way to know your bf's parents.
Y/n - rlly??? I've never seen you before
D - wait ur Paddy's teacher!!!!!!!
Y/n - ohhhh ur his parents makes sense
N - so that's why you went to Atlanta for 5-6 months
Y/n - yep
N - how has he been
I told them all abt him and then Jon called everyone for the movie to start. During the movie, like 20 mins in, Tom wrapped his hand around my waist and Paddy was in front of us. Then at the wrong time he looked back and pulled a disgusted face :
P - uh don't do that shit in front of me
N - paddy language!!!!!!
Said Nikki who had just come out of the blue and saw Tom wrapped his hand around q my waist.
N - and you mr thomas stanley holland are gonna have a chat with me at home
Tom playfully rolled his eyes.
T - just continue watching the movie mum
N - alright alright

A Teacher And A Celebrity?????? Tom Holland X Reader
RomanceY/n Y/L/N, a teacher at Paddy Holland's school meets his oldest brother for the first time. Will it be love at first sight? Or will they just be friends? Will it affect Paddy and her students?