Leaving Atlanta

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We were at the airport saying goodbye to everyone since evryone besides me and tom were heading to New York. We said goodbye to Z and Jacob and Jpn and the rest of the cast. After a while me and tom were heading to our plane.

Y/n - bye Atlanta

T - *chuckles* 

Me and tom took our seats, we were sitting right next to each other but then this happened

Y/n - dibs on the window seat 

And I sat down and just left my bad near the aisle

T - hey!

Y/n - haha

T - see this is why we should've tookin my jet

Y/n -  yeah but it was boring

T - I hate u and love you at the same time y/n

Y/n - me too holland me too

T - finally we can have some alone time

Then after that all the Hollands came. Paddy was seated right next to Tom since we had a three seater kinda thing. Then Harry, Sam and Haz in the back and Rachel, Nikki and Dom in the front.

T - never mind

He whispered to me and I laughed

P - this has never been more awkward 

Y/n - well don't make it be awkward paddy

T - yeah just go watch a movie or something

P - and the rudeness has just started

Then he took out his headphones and played a oive while I death stared Tom. It took him a minute to notice that I was mad.

T - what???

Y/n - seriously, you saw ur brother after 5 months and u still treat him like this

T - he saw us making out

Y/n - that's ur fault u didn't lock the door

T - touche

Then Tom was slowly leaning in and I was too without even knowing it

P - um hello this is a public plane you CAN NOT just make out like you did before

Then me and tom both sinked back into our seats

The whole seating plan worked like this on the plane

Nikki                                       Rachel            Dom

Me (aeroplane seat),      Tom,                 Paddy (aisle)

Harry,                                   Sam,                  Haz

T - jeez paddy always there to ruin the moment 

P - I was tryna save u from the paps, god knows when they'll come

Y/n - he has a point 

I chuckled

T - You have the cutest laugh and smile

T. - and hair and eyes and lips an-

H - mate we can hear you 

S - yea you are disgusting

Haz - Exactly so stop being a simp and just make a move

Me and Tom just blushed and we decided to just watch a movie with our headphones in

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