*Time Skip To A Week Later*
It was a day off so I decided to call Rachel cuz 1. we haven't talked in a while and 2. I wanted to see how she was doing.
*On A Call With Rachel*
R. - heyyyy
Y/n - heyyyyy, how are you!!!!
R - oh everything's good
Y/n - do u get a lot of mood swings
R - I mean don't I always so it's kind of hard to tell
Y/n - *laughs* true
R - so anything going on with you and tom?
Y/n - w-welllll
R - tell me everything
Y/n - ok long story short there was a little change in a scene so instead of a little peck on the lips which I thought was gonna be hard enough Jon decided me and Tom should do a 'passionate kiss' and guess what.......TOM PUT THE TONGUE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!
R - damnnnn.......i shipped guys since day 1
Y/n - shut up
R - oh come one u have to admit that u have a crush on him
Y/n - I mean......i never thought about it that way
R - exactly and I know you had a celebrity crush on him but now that you've met him I think it's turning into a REAL CRUSH
Y/n - ig so but he's Paddy's brother and he's my student
R - so who cares
Y/n - but what if tom doesn't like me that way
R - oh i'm sure she does....anyways I have to go
*End Call*
I was just laying in bed thinking about what Rachel said. I mean what if we did secretly date but I then again I have to know if he likes me back.
Haz's POV
I heard Rachel's and y/n's conversation about Tom. I then hear her talk about her kiss with Tom so I knew I had to talk to Tom about it. Then I hear y/n saying she has a crush on Tom so I had to talk abt to him. I'm pretty sure he did cuz the way he looks at her every time she talks, it rlly looks like he's in love. And I feel like he's never been in love this much as any other girlfriend he has EVER HAD. I've been through every relationship of his with him and he looked at her how all girls wanted to be looked at. So then I decided to call him.
*On Call With Tom*
H - hey mate how's the movie going
T - it's rlly good but I want to tell u something and I'm glad u called
What is this div going to say
T - I rlly like y/n and I kissed her
H - Oh...
T - yea but not like kiss her privately just on camera
H - ok...
I was wondering where he was going with this
T - and idk i just felt something there, like I've never felt this way for any other girl before
H - right
At this point I was sounding like a love therapist
T - and I rlly like her a lot but I just don't want to tell her how I feel
H - why
T - what if she doesn't like me back
H - mate i'm sure she does
T -idk Haz i'll ask her someday
H - better not be the day before she dies *mumbles*
T - what was that???
H - uuumm nothing I have to go now bye
I quickly hung up
*End Call*

A Teacher And A Celebrity?????? Tom Holland X Reader
RomanceY/n Y/L/N, a teacher at Paddy Holland's school meets his oldest brother for the first time. Will it be love at first sight? Or will they just be friends? Will it affect Paddy and her students?