The Table Read

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Paddy's POV

Before Miss Y/L/N came i was talking to Jake (which was r/n Paddy' s friend.....I changed it up cuz it might be a bit confusing).

P - I think I might ask Miss Y/L/N if she is dating my brother

Jake  - WTF is wrong with u

P - Wdym?

J - Well u can't just go up to her and say "hey miss are u dating my brother"

P - I wasn't planning to

 J - Then what? 

P - "Hey miss have you met my brother after the first time you guys met"

Jake's jaw dropped because how fluent I was speaking and I was just abt to brag until he started to talk.

J - How long did it take you to come up with that?

P - Last night

J - Wow. Btw why are u doing this again?

P - It's cuz I need to talk to my brother about his dating life but he's pissed so that won't work so why not ask her and besides I want to see her facial expressions when I mention that. 

Jake looked confused

P - Like you know if she looks worried or calm or happy or something like that.

J. - Ok 1. good plan but 2. why do u wanna know so desperately abt your brother's dating life I mean shouldn't he have some privacy.

P - He's never given me privacy AT ALL and also when they first met I could feel like a spark between them

J. -Yeah I felt that between my cousin sister and her bf

P - Rlly? Who's her bf

J - Harrison Osterfeild, he said he was famous but I didn't belive him but then I searched him up and it turns out that he is. 

P - Woah, woah, woah, woah.....stop right there. Did u just say Harrison Osterfeild?

J. - yeaaaa

P - He's tom's best friend

J - wait rlly???!!!!!!

P - yea

J - now that's awesome

Before I could say anything else Miss came, this was my chance so when she took a sit and I then walked up to her and asked her the question. She seemed pretty normal so ig Jake was right. But i just have this gut feeling that something is happening.

Y/n's POV

It was the middle of the lesson and then I got a message on my phone from Jon Watts. So then I looked at it and it turns out the the table read is in 20 mins!!!!! So then I took a step outside of the classroom and called Rachel.

R - Y/n...u know ur calling in school right?

Y/n - Yeah ik ik but the table read is this week and it had a bit of a time change and it is in 20 mins!!

R - Oh sh!t y/n what r u gonna do?

Y/n - Can u take care of my class? Your the only substitute teacher they like and are comfortable with.

R - Sure 

So Rachel took care of my class and some other teacher took care of hers. So then I went back into the classroom with all the students having their eyes on me. 

Y/n - Sry guys i have to go somewhere it's rlly important

The whole class was like "aaawwww" but I had to apologise to them for what seemed like the thousandth time and then Rachel came. So then I went out of the school, got my car and then I went to the table read location. When I arrived I was on time thxfully. Then Tom saw me and so did I and we locked eyes until someone stood infront of me. 

??????? - Hiii. You must be y/n

Y/n - Yeah I am and u are???

??????? - Oh sry my name is riley. Tom's girlfriend 

My heart shattered into pieces. I forgot all abt his gf and she seemed to emphasise the words "tom" and "gf". But Paddy said that she was a gold digger so I felt good until she turned around and kissed Tom on the lips. Then I was thinking : why am i listening to a 15 year old kid. So i decided to ignore them as much as I could. We went to get our seats for the table read and thxfully tom was only there not Riley. Everyone introduced themselves and we got to work. Everything went pretty well and we had a break which is when Tom turned to me and said: 

T - Hey y/n

Y/n - Oh hi tom

T - Sry there was a bit of a time change you were probably in a class

Y.n - yeah it was ur brothers actually

T - Oh

Y/n - Speaking of ur brother....

T -  Yeaaaaaa

Y/n - He asked me if he we met more than one time after we first met

T - This guy has no manners i swear

Y/n - It's totally fine 

T - Are u sure?

Y/n - Yeah

T. -Cuz if it isn't then I can tell him straight up

Y/n  - Ok 1. Everything is fine and 2. if u do that then he will know that we have met more than once and 3. I want to surprise my students when the movie comes out.

T - Ok fine. You actually have a pretty good point

Ik ik I said I was going to avoid him as much I can but ig it rlly is hard staying away from this man.

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