The Confession And A Party?????

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It was the next day on set and everyone was there. Me and Tom were looking at each other knowing that today we would be confessing to Harry and Sam our much for being a "secret couple". But anyways Z came up to me and asked :

Z - hey are u ok??????

Y/n - what are u talking abt????? i'm fine

Z - nothing it's just you seem a little down

Y/n - *sighs* ur right I have to tell you something

Y/n  - Z me and-

Z - tom are a couple


Z - it's been pretty obvious

Y/n -  damn you pulled a classic mj

Z - what can i say, ik my character too damn well

Both of us start laughing and I look over at Tom telling Jacob something and then I notice jacob's emotion change like rly quickly into shock. Tbh I feel like Z and Jacob are basically Ned and Mj, one to innocent and the other is like a good know-it-all. Then both of them started to walk over to me and Z.

T - y/n don't get mad

Y/n - you told Jacob didn't you

T - y-yeaaaaaaa

He says a little embarrassed

Y/n - It's fine i told Z

T. - oh ok then

Y/n - but we still haven't told harry and sam yet

T - right yea

Then Z and Jacob started asking questions abt how we became a thing so we told them everything. How he took me on a date, what we did, and how we finished the night by watching a movie...........nothing else😏😏😏😏😏😏😏. Then Z started to yell our shi name but since no-one was rlly there me and Tom weren't worried. Jacob on the other hand had is big -brother mode on even tho we met like a few months ago. Me and Jacob had gotten rlly close and we're technically brother and sister now. So i guess he was giving him a lecture cuz this is what he said.

J - if u hurt her i will hurt so don't break her heart ok

T. - yea yea Jacob ik ik

J - good just making sure

T - yea all good y/n didn't have any brothers but once I tell Rachel she's probably gonna give me another lecture on what I should do but it's fine ig.

J. - oh ok no idea who she is but ok

T - right she's y/n's friend who's also a teacher at Paddy's school

J - wait does Paddy know

Y/n - We're not planning on telling him anytime soon

T - yea it's better this way

Y/n -  and also it would be rlly awkward if he did know

J - true like imagine a teacher dating ur brother that would be rlllllyyyyy cra-

Me and Tom just death started him until he got the hint

J - I-I'll just shut up know

Y/n - yea u should

J - Can I have all of my actors and actresses over here plz

It was Jon. We were almost done with the movie. 6 months went by real fast ig. I'm gonna miss the cast sooooo much. 

 J - so since it is almost the end of this movie and ik it's gonna be such a hit, i'v decided to host a party

All of us were suprised

Y/n-  wait wait wait wait.......a party???????

J - yep

Y/n - do u guys normally do this

J - nope

Y/n - wow damn

T - so who's coming?????

J - well just the cast you know like u guys, robert, scarlett, evans, hemsworth, pratt, lizzie and ig u could all the avengers and the producers and directors 

J - wow that would be a lottttttt of people

Little did all of them know that Jon knew abt Nikki and her family coming to Atlanta and invited them.........

A Teacher And A Celebrity?????? Tom Holland X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now