THE MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Y/n - sure why not

J - Tom??

T - yea 

J - Thx u guys for agreeing to this

Y/n - It's all good besides, it's just a little kiss 

I was lying to myself and everyone  else around me. The next few minutes Jacob and Z came up and Jacob went to Tom while Z went to me.

Z - heyyyy

Y/n - hey

Z - u look a little pale

Y/n - oh um it's nothing

Z gave me a 'stop lying and just tell me already' kind of look. 

Y/n - what

Z - u are a very bad liar uk

I just sighed and gave in and told her

Y/n - well...i have to kiss tom for at least a minute

Z's jaw just dropped she was sooo shocked 

Z - wow never have i ever seen a kiss go for abt a minute and the first kiss too

Y/n - yea ik it was Jon's idea

Z - well i mean Jon is a pretty good director and he does know what it best for the actors characters

Y/n - yea ig so

Z - and hey it's just a kiss


Then we saw Jon go up to Tom and whisper something to him during his conversation with Jacob and I could tell Jacob heard cuz he made a little smirk at me.

J - ok everyone in ur positions

We all got into our positions  

A/N - Also the Emily is ur character so if i do something like this : "E - blah blah" that's just what ur lines are and for Tom it's the same but with Peter.

E - I thought u wouldn't come 

P - well I did now u said that u were gonna talk to me abt something 

Then all of a sudden I pull his t-shirt and start to kiss him. My hands let go of his t-shirt and went up to his fluffy and curly hair. Then his hands went to my waist. After what seemed like 30 seconds of kissing. HE USED THE TONGUEEEEEEE. Ofc i didn't want to ruin the scene so then I just faked moaned but some part of me felt like it was real.....anyways then I slipped my tongue in too and then we kept doing that for what seemed like an hour!!!! Then finally Jon said:

J - CUT!!!!!!!!!

Then we both jumped and stood a feet away from each other

J - Great y/n, especially u Tom

Then they gave each other weird face expressions to each other which could only mean one thing: JON MUST'VE TOLD TOM TO PUT THE TONGUE IN!!!!!

Y/n. - Ok uummm well I should get going 

J - yes u should both of you cuz now we only need Z and Jacob rn

T - Ok bye 

Y/n - Yea bye Jon

J - Bye

When we were walking back to our hotel rooms (btw ur one is next to Tom's) he asked me this:

T - do u wanna hang out in my room

Y/n - sure 

We went inside and the place was rlly messy idk what Tom was doing tha made it like this but tbh I didn't rlly care.

T - sooo

Y/n - sooo

There was a big awkward silence until I decided to break it to confront Tom

Y/n - So did Jon tell u to put the tongue in

T - How'd u figure out???

Y/n - Well let's just say that Jon is a good director but just not a good actor

Me and Tom both laugh.

T - btw was that moan...

I already knew what he was gonna say so I playfully roll my eyes

Tom chuckles 

Y/n - It was fake dw 

T - ok ok

He says with his hand up.

A Teacher And A Celebrity?????? Tom Holland X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now