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Still Paddy's POV (sry if his POV is long)

I needed to be sure so I decided to face time my friend r/n (random name).

P - Hey man whatsup?

R/n - Oh hey Pads. Nothing much what abt you

P - *sighs* I have to tell u something but u have to promise not to tell anyone

R/n - You know I can keep a secret...but can I tell my cousin

P - Why do u need to tell ur cousin

R/n. - Well I wanna spend more time with her cuz we haven't gotten along very well so I'm trying to fix things up

P - How old is she

R/n - She's 26 but she knows how to keep a secret. Onetime she shoplifted and no-one ever knew besides me

P - Ok fine

R/n - So what did u need to tell me?

P - I think Tom is dating our teacher

R/n was drinking water when I said that but after I finished that sentence he spitted his water out.


P - Let me explain

R/n - ur telling me that our teacher and the famous Tom Holland could possibly be together???

P - Yeah but just listen ok

R/n - Ok but be quick or else I will be the most impatient person in the world

P - Well I went into his room and then he got pissed of as normal but then he looked more happier than usual on his phone so he was obviously texting someone and I wanted to see who it was so then I ran up to him and saw the his phone and I saw an Y/n.

R/n just had his jaw dropped

R/n - Well it might be another Y/n

P - Yeah but I think he only knows one y/n which is our teacher

R/n - Well he might've met someone recently that is named y/n


R/n - Well someone other than her. ok it can't be possible and besides just forget it it's Tom's business anyways and I'm pretty sure he got pretty pissed of when u did that

I nodded my head.

P - Yea ig so....well anways I have to go byeeee

R/n - K bye


After school I went back home and finally no-one was there. Then I got a message from Tom.

I was suspicious but I didn't have time to worry abt all that

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I was suspicious but I didn't have time to worry abt all that. Before I was going to say anything else he wasn't back online again so I just decided to leave it and read my script. Then something popped into my mind : how am I gonna tell my students abt it. So then I called Rachel and asked her to come over and ofc she bring Haz which I didn't rlly have a problem with that.

A Teacher And A Celebrity?????? Tom Holland X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now