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Hey everyone, this chapter contains mature content focused on intimate scenes. If you're uncomfortable with this type of material or prefer not to read it, feel free to skip it. There are no plot twists here-just a depiction of making love.

Additionally, this chapter is written entirely in English because I'm not sure how to write these scenes in Hindi.

This is my first time writing a mature chapter, so I'm not sure how well it turned out.



Anirudh's eyes blinked twice as he slowly took steps toward Bondita. His heart raced as he took in her beauty, his eyes lingering on her flushed cheeks and the robe she hastily wrapped around herself. Swallowing hard, he finally found his voice. "Bondita... I... Damn it. You... look... look..." He couldn't find the words to say.

He slowly came closer to her. Bondita's eyes were downcast; she couldn't even look at him. She was blushing so hard that her whole face was red. She slowly said, "Pati babu, I... uh, just thought of trying it..."

His eyes still lingered on her, taking in her graceful movements and the robe that barely concealed her body. He couldn't help but be captivated by her, his desire for her growing even stronger. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart before speaking softly. "You look beautiful, Bondita... more beautiful than I ever imagined."

He stepped closer, his voice gentle and sincere. As he drew near, he slowly held her chin, lifting her face to meet his gaze. Their eyes met, and in that moment, no words were needed. Silence enveloped them, a silence that spoke volumes. Their eyes conveyed what their hearts felt, an unspoken understanding passing between them.

They were losing control, each breath drawing them closer. They both knew that today was the day when they would go from two to one, their souls intertwining in a bond that transcended words. The air around them seemed to hum with anticipation, charged with the electricity of their shared emotions.

Anirudh's thumb gently caressed her cheek, his touch light as a feather. "Bondita," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion, "I... I don't know if it's right or not, but I swear I can't-I fucking can't wait anymore."

Bondita's heart fluttered at his words, her blush deepening. She could see the love and desire in his eyes, mirroring her own feelings. "Aap..." she murmured, her voice barely audible, "Aap bolna toh bolna kya chahte hain?"

She knew what he was saying. She knew what he wanted; she knew everything. But the desire to hear it from her husband's mouth was special, and she so wanted it.

Anirudh chuckled softly, the sound deep and resonant in the quiet room, sending a shiver down her spine. "You know what I'm saying, Bondita..."

Bondita's eyes sparkled with a mix of shyness and anticipation. "I do... but still I want to hear it from you," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Anirudh's gaze softened even further, filled with an intense tenderness. He leaned in, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered, "I want you, Bondita. Do you hear me? I want you. I want to explore every inch of you and make you only mine!"

Bondita's breath hitched, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She had longed to hear those words, to feel this closeness. Her hands trembled as she reached up, gently cupping his face. "Pati babu... I..." she whispered back, her voice barely more than a breath.

ANIDITA- 𝙏𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now