chapter 9: eavesdrop

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Yanna sat at her table in the school canteen, focusing on her lunch as she tried to drown out the chatter around her. However, the voices of Trixie and her friends, Miel, Francine, and Ciara, carried across the room, catching Yanna's attention despite her best efforts to ignore them.

Miel, her voice filled with excitement, leaned into Trixie. "So, spill the beans, Trixie! How was your date with Fox last night? Did he sweep you off your feet?"

Trixie's cheeks flushed pink as she recounted the evening. "It was nice. Fox was so thoughtful, and we had a lot of fun together."

Francine grinned mischievously. "Aww, sounds like someone's got a crush! Are you smitten, Trixie?"

Trixie laughed, her smile widening. "Maybe a little."

Ciara joined in with a teasing tone. "Well, well, well, looks like our Trixie might be falling head over heels for Fox. Who would've thought?"

The girls shared knowing glances and giggles, their conversation filled with lighthearted teasing and camaraderie. But for Yanna, who overheard from her table, their words stirred a mixture of emotions within her.

Yanna stirred her food absently, her thoughts swirling as she listened to Trixie talk about her date with Fox. She felt a knot forming in her stomach, a mix of jealousy and uncertainty gnawing at her insides.

Fox had always been a constant in her life, a friend she could rely on, but hearing about his date with Trixie who she set up stirred up emotions she hadn't expected.

Trying to push aside her feelings, Yanna took a deep breath and turned to her friends, forcing a smile onto her face. "So, what are we talking about?" she interjected, hoping to change the subject and distract herself from the turmoil within.

Her friends glanced at her, sensing her unease, but went along with the change of topic, discussing the upcoming school event.

However, as much as Yanna tried to focus on the conversation, the image of Fox and Trixie together lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts.

Finally unable to contain her curiosity, Yanna turned back to Trixie. "So, how did you and Fox meet up?" she asked, her voice betraying a hint of apprehension.

Trixie's eyes lit up as she launched into the story of their date, but Yanna found it increasingly difficult to listen. Each word felt like a dagger, reminding her of the unspoken feelings she harbored for Fox.

Yanna's smile wavered as she forced herself to listen to Trixie's animated recounting of her date with Fox. Each word felt like a blow to her heart, a painful reminder of the unspoken feelings she harbored for him.

"Trixie, that sounds like such a lovely time," Yanna said, her voice tinged with forced cheerfulness. "I'm really happy for you."

Trixie beamed, oblivious to Yanna's inner turmoil. "Thanks, Yanna! Fox is just so sweet and attentive, you know? I couldn't have asked for a better date."

Yanna nodded, her smile faltering as she struggled to contain the emotions bubbling up inside her. "Yeah, he's... he's a great guy," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her friends exchanged concerned glances, sensing Yanna's discomfort, but Trixie continued to gush about her evening with Fox, her excitement palpable in the air.

Trixie's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned in closer, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I know, right? There's just something about him that's so... captivating. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's definitely a connection between us."

Yanna's heart sank as she listened to Trixie's words, her own feelings of longing and insecurity intensifying with each passing moment. She tried to push aside the twinge of jealousy that threatened to consume her, reminding herself that she had no claim over Fox.

"That's great, Trixie," Yanna replied, forcing a smile onto her face. "I'm glad you two hit it off. It sounds like you had an amazing time."

Trixie nodded eagerly, oblivious to Yanna's inner turmoil. "We really did! And you know what the best part is? He made mention of the possibility of a second date!"

Yanna's smile faltered at the news, a pang of disappointment coursing through her. She had hoped that maybe, just maybe, Fox's date with Trixie would be a one-time thing—a fleeting moment in time that would soon be forgotten. But now, faced with the reality of a second date, she couldn't deny the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"That's... that's great, Trixie,"  Miel said. "I'm happy for you."

Yanna couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. She knew that she couldn't continue to ignore the growing rift between her feelings and her friendship with Fox. She would have to confront the truth—and face the consequences of her unspoken desires, but she don't kow when.

As Yanna further listened to Trixie's stories, her heart ached with a longing she couldn't quite articulate. She wanted to be genuinely happy for her friend, but the sight of Fox with someone else stirred up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her.

Pushing aside her own feelings, Yanna plastered on a smile and tried to focus on being supportive. But deep down, she knew that the ache in her heart wouldn't be so easily ignored.

As the conversation continued, Yanna struggled to maintain her composure, her heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unacknowledged emotions. She knew she needed to confront her feelings, but for now, all she could do was push them aside and pretend that everything was fine.

Yanna shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her mind racing as she struggled to maintain her composure. The weight of unspoken words and unacknowledged emotions bore down on her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile facade of normalcy.

Her friends continued to chatter around her, but their words felt distant, like echoes in a cavernous void. Yanna knew she needed to confront her feelings, to acknowledge the turmoil roiling within her, but the thought alone was daunting.

"Yanna, are you okay?" Cielo's concerned voice cut through the haze, drawing Yanna's attention back to the present.

Yanna forced a smile, her voice steady despite the storm raging inside her. "I'm fine, just a little tired," she replied, hoping to deflect their attention away from her inner turmoil.

But even as she spoke, Yanna knew that her words rang hollow. The truth was, she was anything but fine. She was drowning in a sea of conflicting emotions, her heart torn between loyalty to her friendship with Fox and the undeniable longing she felt for something more.

As the conversation continued around her, Yanna struggled to push aside her feelings, to bury them beneath layers of false cheerfulness and forced laughter. But deep down, she knew that pretending everything was fine would only prolong the inevitable, but she has no choice... She wanted to maintain their deal--- as FuBus.

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