Chapter 6

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In a world that can be terribly lonely without a best friend, there are moments when it's okay to embrace solitude. These are the moments when you can be alone with your thoughts and feelings, finding solace in the comforting embrace of music. For Maddy, music was more than a sanctuary, it was a lifeline that provided solace, away from the complexities of family, the dynamics of friendships, the demands of school, and the superficial allure of teen magazines. She could listen to the notes and beats and lean into the loneliness, finding a sense of comfort that only music could provide. When words fail, music speaks.

Now granted, the blonde isn't as into music as Jonathan Byers or Kenny Rogers like her dad, but it's incredibly soothing. Life is like a song, she surmised a while ago. The beginning is a bit mysterious, not knowing where it can lead, and the end is conclusive, but the middle is where everything resides, especially the emotion. And in this middle, music plays a crucial role, guiding us through life's complexities and offering a beacon of hope.

Maddy is currently wrestling with a torrent of unfamiliar emotions, a tempest of unrequited feelings that threaten to engulf her. Unlike her female peers at school, she has never shown an interest in dating boys. Instead, the blonde devotes herself to her studies, striving to maintain a flawless academic record. She firmly believes her academic prowess will pave her way to college rather than any fleeting high school romance with some guy she may never see again.

Her lack of interest in boys has never bothered her, as she has never received attention from them. She had braces during middle school, endured a phase of terrible hair in freshman year, and has always been a bit nerdy, sporting a pair of unflattering glasses. However, Maddy bears no resentment towards these experiences, as they have imparted invaluable lessons about inner beauty, or so everyone reminded her. Yet, there are times when she can't help but feel a pang of insecurity about her appearance.

This brings her back to the present, where everything seems to remind her of Steve, triggering memories and feelings associated with him. However, the song "Cruel Summer" by Bananarama resonates with her the most because it reflects the cruelty of life, especially if Karate Kid can be believed. Although the guy she's interested in is having relationship issues, Maddy firmly believes in respecting boundaries and would never pursue someone already taken.

As she prepared to start her day, Maddy couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment, knowing that the fully taken guy would be visiting later for tutoring. Despite this, she resolved to move forward and not dwell on it. After a quick check in the mirror, she applied a final layer of lipgloss and made her way to the breakfast table. Bob had returned from the chaotic Halloween rush at Radioshack and the Byars, regaling everyone with stories of how cutthroat customers can be when buying flashlights for the holiday. "It's good for sales, though," he added with a satisfied smile.

When Maddy walked into the kitchen, she noticed the meal was already on the table. Grabbing some orange slices, the girl wondered, "Will you be home later?"

Bob looked at her quizzically and replied, "Not until after closing tonight. We're resetting the inventory on the floor. Some cool, new gadgets came in a shipment, like a fully portable mobile phone. I couldn't believe it when I saw it! Just think I can talk to you whenever I want."

Maddy groaned. Her father's overprotective nature is coming out full force. "Dad, as high-tech as that sounds, I think I'm fine with the house phone." She couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and gratitude towards her father's concern for her.

The man chuckled as he issued a playful warning, "Just remember you said that when everyone at school starts carrying one around. But there is something I think you'd love to have, the Casio 7000. It's a graphing calculator!"

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