Chapter 7

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A few days later, Maddy awoke with a peculiar sensation, a whisper of intuition that seemed to echo from the depths of her being. It was a feeling that the day was not just another ordinary day but one pregnant with possibilities, each path branching out like a spiderweb into the unknown. Yet, beneath this web of potential, a warning, a feeling of impending danger, lay dormant, waiting to be awakened.

The Hawkins Post had been buzzing with a sprawling exposé on the mysterious pumpkin patches and nasty pumpkins that had sprung up around the town. The article delved into their secrets, the peculiar events surrounding them, and the unsettling images they had captured. The photos featured withered, shriveled-up pumpkins and others that were blackened and oozing with a repulsive goo. The sight was enough to turn Maddy's stomach, leaving her with no appetite for breakfast.

In fact, she felt utterly wretched. It's as if the spoiled, charred pumpkins echo the dark rumblings in her soul that spoke of things Maddy didn't understand but needed to notice. She didn't know if anything would manifest, but it was enough to make her call out sick for the day. Seeking solace, she sought refuge beneath the covers of her bed, only to be startled by Bob's voice.

"Maddy? Madison, what's happening? You're not acting like yourself. Should I get in touch with the doctor?" her father inquired with concern.

She tentatively emerged from her sanctuary, her usual air of confidence replaced by a mask of vulnerability. "Daddy," Maddy's voice quivered, "I'm not well. My head and stomach are in turmoil, and I can't seem to concentrate on anything. I think I need to rest, and perhaps I'll be better tomorrow."

Maddy's words were nothing but the truth. She couldn't shake off the unsettling sensation in her head and stomach, a feeling far from natural, supernatural, it seemed. Bob appeared uncertain but said, "Alright, Sweetie. If you need anything, I'll be at the store. I have a date with Joyce tonight but will be home afterward. Just call if you need anything."

He paused and started singing, "Just call out my name. And you know, wherever I am, I'll come runnin' to see you again. Winter, spring, summer, and fall. All you have to do is call."

Maddy couldn't help but smile and say, "Daddy, really? That cheesy song?"

Bob said, "It's not cheesy, and it's true. Love you, kiddo." He leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.

Her face lit up with sweetness as she gazed at her Dad. "I love you too, Dad," she whispered. Bob turned and quietly left her room and then the house. Even that seemed off like it was final.

The young woman gently massaged her temples, murmuring to herself, "You've got this, Maddy. Pull yourself together."

So, she sort of did by going downstairs and curling up on the sofa, still buried underneath the weight of two blankets. The girl turned on the television and settled in to watch a series of mundane talk shows until she stumbled upon the Sally Jessy Raphael show. This particular episode focused on makeovers, but not the usual kind. The theme was centered around transforming geeks, with the tagline proclaiming, "I was a nerd, now I'm a knockout."

It completely piqued her interest because that's what she is: a nerd. Despite the assistance of contacts and makeup advice from the mall counter, her inherent geekiness remains unaltered. Her long morning finally caught up with her, and Maddy found herself struggling to keep her heavy eyelids open. Lost in the labyrinth of her own thoughts, the blonde had no idea she had succumbed to sleep until the urgent, insistent knocking at the front door pierced through her subconscious and roused her from her slumber.

Maddy was abruptly awakened from her slumber. She quickly sat straight up on the sofa, throwing off the warm blankets and smoothing down her tousled hair. Speaking to the empty room as if someone was there, she said, "Alright. Just hold your horses."

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