Chapter 12

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Even in the midst of modern complexities, miracles still happen. A healed marriage, a healthy family, a job you love, not getting a ticket despite speeding like a rocket, a baby born, making the team, passing the class— everyone has been a witness to a whole host of miracles. That is no exception for Maddy. Her miracle came in the form of her father.

In fact, it's that same father who always knows the perfect advice for every situation. And one time in particular, when she was feeling very low and depressed as the result of a dreadful school problem, Bob tenderly reassured her, "Maddy, when you hold a tragedy in your hand and inspect it closely, you may spot a glimmer of something extraordinary laced within it, much like the way fool's gold sparkles within the hardest shard of rock. And what's the hardest rock?"

They would both respond, "The diamond."

Then Bob would tell her, "Shine like a diamond and look for the miracle." His words sparked a glimmer of hope in her heart, and she held onto them during her difficult times. Now, they were coming back to her in a different way because her dad is the glimmer of something extraordinary. He's a living, breathing miracle.

As promised, when Maddy mustered the strength to stand and take a step unaided, Steve carefully assisted her into the car and drove her to the hospital. Unfortunately, Maddy felt completely useless when she set foot in the place. The pair checked in at the front desk, and the exhausted nurse informed them with a bored voice, "Family only. Visiting hours are over."

Unbidden, Maddy told her, "Steve is family. Where I go. He goes."

The stern-looking, matronly woman gazed at Steve in disbelief, her lips forming a thin line. Despite her apparent skepticism, she eventually waved him through. Steve, perhaps feeling a touch of arrogance, dared to appear slightly smug as he passed by, tempting fate with his confident expression. Even so, they navigated the halls to the OR, where Bob was in surgery.

As the hallways buzzed with chatter and movement, the pair found themselves wandering through the sea of people while feeling the distance fluctuate between them. Despite the hustle and bustle, Maddy couldn't help but notice that Steve's fingers kept slipping down her wrist until they were finally hand-in-hand.

Maybe he would let go as nurses and visitors pressed in on all sides, but Maddy's mind could only focus on how, in moments of confusion, when nothing made sense, you just had to grab onto anything certain and real. So, as she felt his fingers loosening around her hand, she wrapped her own around them tight and held on.

Again, she found herself holding on. That's what Maddy did, held on until someone told her what was happening. And while she was waiting, wondering, and concerned for her father, Steve was doing the same for her. "Maddy, you need to eat something. I think that's why you fainted," he told her. He paused for a moment, looked away, then his eyes came back to hers, and added, "That and everything happening tonight. It's been a hell of a day."

Maddy knew he was right, and her stomach told her so, but her nerves were frayed, and she was downright, 'stick a fork in me' done. She nodded, and he asked, "I'll go grab something edible, even if I have to make a fast food run. What do you want?"

What did she want? She longed for her father to regain his health and well-being, with his health insurance covering all the medical expenses. She also wished Radioshack would award him a raise, a bonus, and a paid vacation. He deserved it. Ultimately, she also longed for love for herself: ridiculous, shout it from the mountain tops, inconvenient, I would do anything for you kind of love.

But Steve's question is far too deep to answer that night. However, she settled for, "A sandwich will be fine."

Steve's disbelief was evident as he repeated, "A sandwich?" Surely, he hadn't heard that correctly. No. His ears weren't lying. He'd heard it clearly. After ensuring she knew he would return, the athlete departed to rustle up some grub.

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