Chapter 8

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Clustered tightly with her companions, Maddy's distress was almost tangible as she confessed, "I don't feel like a confident, empowered Charlie's Angel. Instead, I feel like one of those helpless damsels in deep distress. This entire situation is overwhelmingly distressing."

Jen nodded in agreement, tightly clutching her friend's hands. "I feel the same way. Damseling is definitely one of my strong suits."

Even as she gripped the two girls' hands, Katie admitted, "I'm not very good at playing the damsel. But when it comes to distress, I'm a pro. My worry and anxiety can mix and marry and create a whole host of anxious scenarios, like right now."

Releasing Jen's hand, Katie extended her own, displaying her nails. "Just look at my nails. They're a true reflection of my anxiety, more telling than any words could convey."

Under the soft moonlight, the girls examined Katie's nails. They looked a ragged mess and were in a sorry state, clearly showing the effects of her anxious habit of biting them. As the growling grew louder, the three girls clutched each other even tighter. They suddenly realized that Steve had silently made his way to the window and was now peering out into the darkness.

Maddy, filled with curiosity, inched closer to Steve, her heart pounding with bravery. "What is it, Steve?" she asked, eager to discover what had captured his attention.

His head turned slightly, and he raised a finger to his lips, signaling for her to be silent. With a subtle movement, he directed her gaze towards something in the distance, silently urging Maddy to look in that direction.

When she did, Maddy saw something beyond distressing. It was the embodiment of her darkest nightmares come to life. A monster! A monster, right there in front of her, moving. No. Prowling on four legs with no face, just four flaps that resembled a flower, a grotesque, sickening one. Maddy was startled, and she sucked in a gasp by biting her lip. At that moment, she reached out for Steve's free hand, holding onto it tightly, her grip matching the strength she clung to both her friends.

As Steve clasped her hand, he felt a surge of gratitude for the lifeline that anchored him in courage. A sense of urgency and frustration welled up inside him as he locked eyes on the creature in the junkyard and exclaimed, "It's not taking the bait. Why isn't it taking the bait?"

Maddy squeezed his hand a little. She answered, saying, "Maybe it's full from the other meat you laid out on the tracks."

Steve considered Maddy's suggestion, acknowledging her usual wisdom. "Maybe it's sick of cow," he mused. Feeling a surge of determination, the brown-haired athlete tightened his grip on Maddy's hand, drawing strength from her presence. He knew what he had to do. Knowing the task that lay ahead, he reluctantly released her hand, unable to meet her gaze for fear of faltering. Standing upright, he grasped the spikey bat, feeling its weight in his hand, and headed purposefully toward the bus's entrance.

Maddy's brows furrowed together as she gazed at the man standing before her. Despite having a sinking feeling, the young blonde was unwilling to accept the truth. "Steve, please don't do this," she pleaded, her voice tinged with fear.

Her heart raced as she watched Steve turn to look at her, his gaze meeting hers. A sense of dread washed over her, causing her blue eyes to fill with tears. Steve studied her intently, as if committing every aspect of her to memory, before flashing her his trademark Harrington smile. He then handed his lighter to Dustin, instructing him, "Just be ready." With a final glance in Maddy's direction, Steve left the safety of the bus, his departure leaving an unsettling feeling in the air.

As Steve walked out, Maddy felt a firm grip on her hands. She recognized her friends by the touch and the sound of Katie's voice in her ears. "He's actually a great guy beneath all that hair, but he's totally insane," Katie confessed. Maddy's voice trembled as she replied, "Yeah," while Jen leaned her head on her shoulder.

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