Chapter 10

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The two young girls, their hearts pounding with excitement, stealthily tiptoed into the dimly lit room. They carefully settled onto the soft, comforting embrace of the bed, flanking Maddy on either side. With a mixture of amusement and mock resentment, Maddy couldn't help but accuse, "You're both a bunch of traitors conspiring with Steve like that. I don't need a nap. Naps make you think, and I don't want to think," she explained, refusing to succumb to the idea of resting.

Earlier that day, the three friends had been through a series of emotionally draining events. As they sat in the dimly lit room, Katie and Jen refused to apologize, noting, "You look like you're about to fall over. It's been an emotionally trying day. Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt? Besides, we're doing nothing but waiting anyway, and the kids are perfectly capable of cleaning. They don't need us for that," Katie responded.

Jen chuckled, her voice filled with playful sarcasm, "Yeah, they're under the supervision of none other than Steve Harrington. Who would've thought that?" The room was filled with the soft sound of their laughter, echoing off the walls and adding a touch of warmth to the dimly lit space.

The other two chuckled at that idea, but Jen quickly added, "Okay, so if you don't want to talk about obvious important things, let's talk about other stuff that falls into the 'who would've thought it' category. Namely, you and Steve."

Maddy shook her head and looked at the ceiling, evading the question. "Nope. We're not talking about that either. Besides, there's nothing there. He's not interested in a socially awkward geek like me." Her heart ached with the weight of her unspoken feelings, but she pushed them aside, unwilling to risk the fragile peace of her mind that was hanging on by a thread.

Katie disagrees, "No, no, no. I think this is the perfect thing to take our minds off the other stuff. And are your contacts not working? You'd have to be blind not to notice how he's totally into you."

The blonde sighed in frustration. Best friends were more than just friends; they were like family. They had the power to upset you, bring you to tears, and shatter your heart. But they were always there when you were in trouble, ready to lift your spirits and make you smile, even during the darkest hours. Their bond was unbreakable, their support unwavering. It was a bond forged in the fires of shared experiences and deep understanding, a bond that could weather any storm and emerge stronger.

"I'm not blind," Maddy admitted, her voice trembling with the weight of her emotions, "But I don't want to get my heart hurt. It's already broken. I don't need another break, or it'll be shattered completely. And that's what Steve has the potential to do, crush me." Her words hung in the air, heavy with her fear and vulnerability.

Jen sighed, "I see your point. I really do, but I don't think that will happen. The guy has taken such care of you tonight, and if he's like that on a typical day, then that's fire. I mean, we all knew Steve was good-looking, but seeing him with you tonight, throughout everything, has been so swoon-worthy." Her words were met with a mix of laughter and sighs as the friends shared a moment of understanding and support.

"Yes, and when he kissed your hair during the whole D&D discussion, I almost lost it. It was so tender, Maddy. And yet you say he's not into you," Katie pointed out.

Maddy couldn't contain her excitement as she explained, "I thought I was dreaming that! It was the most passionate kiss I've ever received from a guy, and it was on the top of my head. Not even on the actual head, but in my hair!"

The three girls squealed with glee. It was good to be happy, just a little, even during trying times. But just like that, the thoughts of something else tried to break loose. Maddy's voice was clotted with unshed tears, "This just feels wrong. Here, I am talking about boys when..."

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