Chapter 17

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Just as in life, a change of scenery can transform our outlook. It's a lesson Maddy learned from her beloved book, The Secret Garden: If you look the right way, you can see the whole world is a garden. As they stood at the top of the lookout, the rainforest stretching out before them, the ocean a distant roar, the world seemed to hold infinite possibilities. It was a moment of profound connection and shared triumph, a testament to their resilience and the beauty life can offer, even in the face of challenges.

It was a moment of profound connection and shared triumph. With their hands intertwined and a breeze blowing around them, Katie, Jen, and Maddy stood in awe of the world's beauty. Although barely above a whisper, Katie's voice carried a weight of realization, "We made it, didn't we? We navigated the treacherous waters of high school, the storms of senior year, and even the clutches of supernatural creatures. We made it." It was a testament to their resilience, their ability to adapt and overcome, and the strength of their friendship.

Maddy pondered her friend's words, her mind swirling with a mix of fear and acceptance. They had indeed made it, but it was more than that; they had not just survived, but somehow, against all odds, they had thrived. Gazing out into the vast expanse of paradise, a single thought struck Maddy with the force of a tidal wave. One day, you're sixteen and dreaming of the arrival of 'someday,' using that word to tug at the heartstrings of the adults in your life. Then, almost imperceptibly, 'someday' morphs into today: the great unknown. And just like that, 'someday' becomes yesterday. The weight of time's passage and the bittersweet nostalgia it brings washed over her, making her acutely aware of the fleeting nature of life's moments and how precious they truly are.

"Where did the time go," she wondered aloud.

Jen checked her watch, "I don't know about that, but I know it's time for us to head back to the resort. If not, we'll miss our sunset cruise."

Katie and Maddy sighed as Gertrude guided them into the rental car. Jen's punctuality, even on vacation, was a source of irritation. As they embarked on the sunset cruise, Maddy's heart ached for Steve. The yearning for someone, especially in the midst of such breathtaking beauty, can be a powerful reminder of the depth of one's feelings. This moment, so breathtaking and romantic, should be shared with the one you love, and for Maddy, that was Steve. She glanced at Aunt Gertrude, Katie, and Jen. But if she couldn't have Steve, at least she was surrounded by family and friends, a different kind of love.

Steve sat there, listening to Dustin's innocent chatter about his first girlfriend and their toothless kisses. The kid had no idea what he was missing, but one thing was clear, Steve's feelings for Maddy were unmistakable: he missed Maddy like he'd miss his hair if it were cut off. This yearning was particularly hard to bear, especially with Robin's challenging attitude. To add to his frustration, he found himself inexplicably drawn into Dustin's wild plan involving Russian interceptions.

How could Steve pass up the chance to be viewed as a true American hero? It's like GI Joe but better because GI Joe doesn't have his amazing hair! Plus, the reward that comes with catching Commies would surely be enough to say "Adios Pops." Add to that the look on Maddy's face when she realized her boyfriend wasn't a loser would make her swoon.

Steve's mind raced with the possibilities. "Okay, what's the catch," he asked Dustin, his voice tinged with excitement and a hint of caution.

The youngster responded, unzipping his backpack, "No catch. I just really need your help."

"With what?" Steve wondered. He was sure it was something he could handle until the guy took out a Russian translation book. Who does Dustin think he is, a super genius? Steve barely made it out of senior math, and that was with Maddy's help. In that moment, his heroic aspirations, like his future, went up in smoke.

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