Chapter 19

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As the plane descended into Indianapolis, Maddy, a young woman on the brink of a life-altering metamorphosis, felt the stark contrast between the blissful escape of a month-long break and the harsh reality of daily life. The very things the vacation was meant to restore were now the challenges she had to face. The problems were real, and she couldn't turn off real life.

The next morning, as Maddy lay in her bed, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the future, she realized the weight of reality had struck. The morning light that filtered through the curtains felt harsh and unforgiving, casting an unwelcome spotlight on the challenging path that lay ahead. College. One and a half months until the end of summer.

Using the lap desk with pillows propped behind her, she put pen to paper and compiled a list of possible college majors and job outlooks. With every word she wrote on her list, Maddy could feel the reality of her choices becoming more tangible. Each college major she considered carried a set of perspectives, not just hypotheticals anymore, but potential paths that would shape her life. The distant dreams she had once nurtured now stood before her, demanding her attention and commitment. The mix of excitement, fear, and anticipation was overwhelming, making her decision-making process all the more challenging.

Her heart raced, a mix of anticipation and anxiety coursing through her veins. The clock on the bedside table seemed to tick louder, counting down the days until the end of summer, the beginning of her real life. The realization that she was no longer sheltered by the comforts of youth hit her with a jolt, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed. She felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of new beginnings, but it was tinged with a sense of fear and uncertainty. The weight of responsibility was heavy on her shoulders, and she couldn't help but wonder if she was making the right choices.

Yet, amidst the overwhelming emotions and the weight of responsibility, a spark of excitement flickered within Maddy. The knowledge that she was standing at a crossroads, on the cusp of shaping her destiny, filled her with a sense of empowerment. These imminent realities, though daunting, also held the promise of growth, fulfillment, and the chance to carve out a life that was uniquely hers. She was ready to embrace the challenges, to learn and grow, and to make her mark on the world.

The phone rang, snapping Maddy out of her list writing. Setting the lap desk aside, she answered it to find Katie on the line. The girl's excited voice proceeded to relay the Star Court events. Katie explained that the Mind Flayer met a gruesome end; the mall burnt down, and then she told about Erica's espionage scheme.

"Wait! What? Did I hallucinate, or did you say my boyfriend was in on it?" Maddy asked, her voice trembling with a mix of worry and disbelief. She couldn't believe Steve! He promised her he'd stay out of trouble. Now, he had been caught up in something dangerous.

Katie replied, "Yep! Erica told me that he was beaten up really badly and drugged out of his mind."

Shocked, the blonde exclaimed, "Wow! I did not expect that."

"Believe me, I didn't either," Katie responded. Then she added, "What to meet up later? I was thinking about going to that new mini golf and go-kart place in Muncie."

Maddy thought that would be a great idea if it weren't for two things. "Well, first of all, let me just say that I can't bring myself to get out of bed. As soon as I do, it'll be time to return to normal, you know?"

Katie agreed, and Maddy continued, "But as much as I would like to go, I shouldn't. I need to check in on my father and Steve, especially Steve, since he apparently lost his mind trying to infiltrate Russian whatever."

Her friend understood and said, "If you change your mind, let me know. Bye."

"Bye," Maddy said, placing the phone in its cradle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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