𝟬𝟬𝟭. long story

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i don't remember much from my childhood, it was all kind of a blur, i remember a few things, now and again but other than that nothing. it's all black. what i do know is i was adopted by new york's sweetest woman.

i struggled being in public school, i have dyslexia and adhd so naturally i found sitting in a classroom reading all day hard, plus trouble just kind of seems to follow me. anyway my mom pulled me out of public school a while ago, i'm now homeschooled which granted isn't very good for my social abilities.

me and my mom took a trip to las vegas for hers and mine birthday, i'm turning 14. our birthday are only days apart and she wanted to go to vegas, so why now cross it off my bucket list now. this day was suppose to be like any other. it started off as what i thought was just a calm day trip to hoover dam then the grand canyon with my mom, but it was actually the beginning of the worst few years of my life.

it started when i ran into percy jackson.

i first met him at my last school, i went to yancy academy, he threw a girl into a fountain but claimed he hadn't, to be fair she could've jumped in herself, i wouldn't put it past her, i'm not entirely sure what happened after, i never spoke to him and i got kicked out a week later.

i met him again that summer, or he ran into me, knocking me to the floor, he helped me up and apologised but he knocked my ice cream out of my hand, and i'm still mad at him for it, it had sprinkles and everything.

then again the summer after, he bumped into me again, he was running away from a burning school, he most likely set on fire, he was running with a girl and a tall guy i could've swore only had one eye.

that leaves me here, the winter after, where i just happen to run into him again.

i was taking a tour with my mom of the dam, i was bored out of my mind i wasn't even sure where exactly we were, i was just following her around aimlessly, that was until i lost her i wandered around regretting not listening to the tour guide. i sighed, i somehow ended up in a little hallway, a rude boy probably around my age maybe a little older in a winter fur coat, backed up in front me, almost knocking into me, idiot.

i rolled my eyes, my mom thinks i have a bit of anger issues, problems with holding grudges and being impulsive, she tells me i should take a step back and think before i act irrationally. i grabbed a kleenex out of pocket, blowing my nose when all of a sudden the guy turned around holding a sword. i grabbed his wrist quickly before the blade could hit me.

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