𝟬𝟬𝟮. a monster

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i tried hard to erase the events of last winter out of mind, but the harder i tried not to think about it the more i found myself thinking about it.

obviously my mom wanted to know what happened when i got back, and i told her mostly everything, i sugarcoated or just straight up lied about somethings like me holding up the sky or making zombie guards appear from the ground. that was the one i tried the hardest to forget, also the one i simply couldn't forget.

the way percy, thalia and annabeth looked at me, they looked at me like i was a monster, like i would actually of let those zombies kill them. i already knew how thalia saw me, and that was my first time meeting annabeth, i cant expect her to immediately trust me, i didn't blame her for being scared, it wasn't them that bothered me as much, it was percy. i had saved his life more than once, how could he think i'd kill him.

i told myself i wouldn't think about that, about him. so anytime i found myself thinking about it i'd busy myself, due to that i've picked up a lot of hobbies. i started going on walks, reading, meeting new people, etc. i could tell my mom wasn't happy about this at first, me leaving the house so often, i gathered it was because of what happed last winter, but she seems to have come around to it.

i met this guy, a few weeks ago, his name was dylan. i was getting a coffee and was a few dollars short, he was behind me and paid for my drink, we started talking and he asked me out, i didn't tell my mom, she's not strict but very protective especially when it comes to boys.

which leads me to where i was when it all happened.

i was sat a ice cream shop waiting for dylan, when the last person i wanted to see walked in. percy jackson.

he walked in, scanning the room until his eyes landed on me, and he started walking over.

"don't you dare," i told him putting my hand out for him to stop.

"charlie, please, it's an emergency."

"was your friend kidnapped again? need me to hold up the sky again for you? or do you just want to yell at me again?"

he sat down opposite me. "i'm sorry for last winter, i should've told you from the beginning what was happening, i should've asked you if you were okay coming with us, i shouldn't of let you take the sky from me, i shouldn't of-"

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗰𝘆 Where stories live. Discover now