𝟬𝟬𝟮. this is kindapping

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we ran down the stairs, burritos flying past our heads, "now what?" the boy who started the burrito fight asked, as we burst outside.

the skeletons on the road were closing in from either direction. we ran across the street to the plaza with winged bronze statues outside.

the skeletons moved forward, forming a crescent round us. their brethren from the café were running up to join them. one was still putting its skull back on its shoulder, another was covered in ketchup and mustard, two had burritos lodged in their ribcages, and none of them looked happy about it, they drew batons and advanced.

"five against eleven," the tall girl muttered, "and they cannot die,"

"four and a half i'd say," i corrected.

percy looked at me as if i was stupid and i shrugged.

"it's been nice adventuring with you guys," grover said, his voice trembling.

"whoa," percy said, looking at the winged statues behind us. "their toes really are bright."

"percy!" the short haired girl said. "this isn't time."

i couldn't help but looking at the shiny toed statues as well.

"thalia," percy said to the short haired girl. "pray to your dad,"

she glared at him. "he never answers,"

"is your dad god?" i asked.

"just this once," percy pleaded ignoring my question. "ask for help. i think... i think the statues can give us some luck."

six skeletons raised their guns. the other five came forward with batons. fifteen metres away, ten metres.

"do it!" percy yelled

"no!" thalia said, the one with the short hair "he won't answer me.'

"this time is different!"

"who says?"

percy hesitated. "athena, I think."

"athena? as in greek gods?"

they didn't answer me again,"try it," grover pleaded.

the girl closed her eyes. her lips moved in a silent prayer.

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