𝟬𝟬𝟳. you're crazy

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i woke up in the yellow convertible, trying to make sense of my dream, why was my mom so scared of percy? why had she homeschooled
me. none of it made sense in my mind.

when i opened my eyes i found i was looking at a mountain, clouds swirling thickly at its peak.

it took me a minute to wrap my head around the fact that i was in a yellow convertible and not in a vegas hotel room or my kitchen 2 years ago. once i fully woke up, i realised my head was resting on percy's shoulder.

thalia looked behind her, i must of caught her eye.  "that was a short nap," she smirked at me, i moved my head quickly, feeling like i was just caught doing something i shouldn't of. i could feel percy's eyes on me but i refused to meet his gaze, which apparently was funny to thalia.

"look!" percy said quickly, but we turned a corner.

"what?" thalia asked.

"a big white ship," percy said. "docked near the beach. it looked like a cruise ship."

thalias eyes widened. "luke's ship?"

"who's luke?"

"it's a long story." percy sighed.

maybe my mom didn't want me near percy not for my safety but his, because if he tells me it's a long story one more time i will strangle him.

"we will have company then," zoë said. "kronos's army."

i was about to ask another question when something told me, something bad was going to happen. apparently thalia felt the same way.

"stop the car! now!" she yelled.

zoë must of agreed as she slammed on the breaks with no question, we spun twice before coming to a stop at the edge of the cliff.

"out!" thalia opened the door.

percy pushed me out, we both rolled onto the pavement and the next second a defending boooom! and a bright flash.

my body felt tired, like i had just drained all my energy. my eyes was still closed tight and i debated taking a little nap again, but when i opened them, i saw pieces of the yellow convertible scattered around us. we should've been dead or at least seriously injured. thalia was holding a shield which covered her. percy had pulled me into him, protecting me, so he would've received the injuries. yet he seemed perfectly fine, which he seemed confused at as well. he checked his body for any injuries before looking at me, he opened his mouth to speak but thalia beat him to it.

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