𝟬𝟬𝟱. trying to kill me

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as we entered their house the smell of freshly-baked chocolate-chip cookies filled the air, there was soft jazz music coming from the kitchen, two cats sleeping on the couch, the coffee table stacked with magazines, a little kids winter coat was spread out on the floor, and there was lego robots on the stairs.

it looked like a happy, messy home.

"dad!" a little boy screamed. "he's taking apart my robots!"

"bobby," the man called absently. "don't take your brothers robots!"

"i'm bobby, he's matthew!" the boy protested.

"matthew, don't take apart your brothers robot!"

"okay, dad!"

the man turned to us. "we'll go upstairs to my study. this way."

"honey?" a woman i assumed was his wife called, appearing in the living room, wiping her hands on a dish towel. she was a pretty asian woman with red highlighted hair tied in a bun. "who are our guests?" she asked.

"oh," dr chase said. "this is..." he stared at us blankly.

"frederick," she chided. "you forgot to ask them their names?"

we introduced ourselves, the woman asked if we were hungry, thalia, zoë and percy all said yes rather quickly. and she told us she'd bring us some cookies, sandwiches and sodas.

"dear," dr chase said. "they came about annabeth."

she pursed her lips looking concerned. "all right. go on up to the study and i'll bring you some food" she smiled. "nice meeting you,"

"do you need some help?" i asked her as she started walking away.

"sure, dear." she smiled leading the way to the kitchen. i could see out of the corner of my eye percy giving me a weird look but i didn't care. this entire day had been insane, i'd almost died several times. i honestly just wanted to get away from percy and his friends, only for a minute.

"peanut butter and jelly sandwiches okay for you?" she asked, as we entered the kitchen.

it was a nice kitchen, a cozy one, the smell of cookies was stronger in here, the jazz music a little louder, but it was calming, comforting even. annabeth was lucky to get to live here.

"yes, thank you."

she smiled at me, getting the ingredients out. "so, how do you know annabeth?"

"i don't, i've actually never even met her."

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