𝟬𝟬𝟯. lovebirds

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"mom?" i called, opening the front door. no reply, but there was a note laying on the table in the kitchen.

'gone out won't be back for a while - mom'

"you know where she is?" percy asked me, he wasn't looking at me though, he was looking at a picture of me my mom took the day at hoover dam.

"she didn't say," i said turning the note around to look at the back.

'be safe, don't do anything stupid. i love you'

i wondered if she knew where i was going, i sighed placing the note back down. "she won't be back for a while,"

"we can't wait," annabeth told me.

"i know," i told her. "i'll go grab my stuff- what do i need to explore a underground tunnel?"

"it's not a underground tunnel it's a labyrinth," annabeth said.

"just a change of close, we'll probably leave tomorrow morning, by the time we get to camp it'll be late," percy told me.

"so clothes for tonight and tomorrow?" i asked, and he nodded.

i opened the door into my bedroom, grabbed a bag and started packing, once i was done i went to shut the doors of my dresser but caught my own reflection in the mirror, more specifically the streak of grey in my hair. i hated it. i wanted to dye over it, chop it off, do something to get rid of it, but i never bring myself to. it was weird, it was a constant reminder of last winter, no matter how hard i tried to forget one look in the mirror and it all came back to me, but i just couldn't bring myself to get rid of it, it was like a scar, it just felt apart of me.

"you okay?" percy asked from behind me,

i looked up at him through the mirror. "yeah," i  spoke.

he walked up behind me, looking at me through the mirror, i turned around, looking up at his face, he was looking at me, it was like his eyes were burning a hole through me, tension growing thick.

i studied his face, his freckles, his eyes. "i missed you," he smiled, trying to break the tension. he reached forwards brushing my hair out of my face, "i thought about coming here to apologise to you, but i thought you'd hated me,"

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