𝟬𝟬𝟯. french cannibal

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when i rejoined the group, i found percy was now in a ragged flannel shirt and jeans that were way to big for him, bright red trainers, and a floppy rainbow hat.

"oh, yeah," grover said trying not to burst out laughing. "you look completely inconspicuous now."

zoë nodded with satisfaction, "a typical male vagrant."

"thanks a lot," percy grumbled. "why am i doing this again?"

"i told thee. to blend in."

she led the way down the waterfront, "where did you go?" percy asked after walking for a while.

"to call my mom,"

"is she okay?"

"she's okay, what are you wearing?"

"clothes, you don't like them?"

"no. then again they are a step up from what you were wearing before,"

he pushed me softly with a smile on his face. i didn't see why i wasn't joking.

"can i ask you something?" i asked and he nodded his head. "who are you? or what are you? and what are we doing here? and why did you need me? and why was those skeletons going to attack you earlier? and why did those statues come to life? and why did they call thalia, zeus's kid? like zeus like-"

"you're asking too many question."

"excuse me for having a lot of questions after flying statues just took me from hoover dam to san francisco,"

"after." he told me, "i'll explain everything."

"after what? i don't even know what we are doing here, or why you felt like you needed me?"

percy sighed and opened his mouth about to speak when he got cut off by zoë stopping in her tracks, she pointed down the pier where a bunch of homeless guys were huddled together in blankets, waiting for the soup kitchen to open for lunch.

"he will be down there somewhere. he never travels very far from the water. he liked to sun himself during the day." said zoë.

"how do i know which one is him?" percy asked.

"sneak up," she said. "act homeless. you will know him. he will smell... different."

"great. and once i find him?"

"grab him, and hold onto him, he will try anything to get rid of thee. whatever he does, do not let go. force him to tell thee about the monster."

"we've got your back," thalia said. she picked a big clump of fuzz of the back of his shirt, i didn't even want to know where the clothes came from. "eww. on second thought... i don't want your back. but we'll be rooting for you."

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