𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖.

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I guess I could call Hogwarts my second home, it's not like Summer at mine is fun, It could be, but I didn't get out much. I finished packing today not like I need many things, but I did go shopping for clothes this Summer.. my body grew, I grew, my boobs are definitely out there and I have plenty of curves to show off, not that the robes are any helpful.

I'm standing on the platform, my heart racing with every ticking second, I've been waiting for this moment at Summer. The sign above the platform says "Platform 9 3/4" and I feel a shiver run down my spine as I take a deep breath, not that many people like me anyways .. It's like that feeling when you're about to go to a birthday party that you know only like four people you know are going to be there.. but it still racks some nerve Merlin this is going to be hell. I'm finally going to Hogwarts, again. I've got my bag in one hand, my wand safely tucked away in my pocket, and my ticket clutched tightly in my other. The train is pulling in, and I can see the Gryffindor students waving from the windows. I'm trying to play it cool, but my excitement is getting the better of me. I take one last look around, making sure everything is in order, and then make my way towards the train. As I climb aboard, I feel a sense of anxiety wash over me. This is it, my 6th year at Hogwarts and I feel as though everything won't be the same.

I'm sitting on the train, clutching my ticket like it's a lifeline, Merlin is there something wrong with me, as I try to calm my racing thoughts. Hermione's just chatting away beside me, oblivious to my unbelievable growing anxiety. We're both heading into our 6th year at Hogwarts and I'm freaking out. I mean, What if I'm stuck in the same old routine forever? Hermione notices my expression and stops talking, her eyes narrowing at me, I guess this time she noticed something is wrong. "Y/n, what's wrong?" she asks, and I feel a surge of panic. "I don't know, I just...I'm really nervous about this year. I feel like it's going to be completely different than the others." I admit, feeling like a total idiot. Hermione's face softens and she reaches out to touch my arm. "You're being ridiculous," she says, her voice gentle but firm. "You're too pretty to be anxious." she rolls her eyes at me trying to be lighthearted. "You're going to ace those exams and have an amazing year." I murmur to myself "That's easy for you to say." But she says it with a such a big smile, like it's some kind of magic spell that will make all my worries disappear. And for a second, it almost works. Almost.

As I stepped off the train, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves, Way too many nerves than normal. I had heard so much about everyone changing over the Summer from Hermione rattling off gossip about everyone and everything, I was afraid of who I might meet especially with so many new people being here, It felt odd we were suppose to be a family at Hogwarts, but everyone found their own clique . I made my way to the Great Hall, my heart racing with anticipation. When the sorting hat was placed on my head, I felt a sense of relief but anxiousness as I was called to Slytherin. Again. I took my seat at the table, trying to ignore the whispers and stares from my new classmates, it happens every year I didnt look like a Slytherin, but I'm well aware I act like one to the 9s. That's when I saw him, a boy from Hufflepuff, sitting across from me with a warm smile on his face. He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my face before moving on to my clothes. It was a weird feeling, but I didn't mind it, I've gotten attention before I've never been ugly.., but I've never been spoken about pretty. When we left the Great Hall, I was surprised to see him again in the corridor, but I could feel the weight of the Slytherin pride on my shoulders, I wasn't going to speak to him, so i just kept walking. I was almost to the common room, but then I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, you're a Slytherin, right?" I turned to see the familiar face, that guy from the Great Hall of course, standing there with a goofy grin on his face. He'd already introduced himself to me like, twice in like 5th year, but I hadn't really registered it because, honestly, I had been more focused on getting to my next class then. But now, as he stood there looking at me with this weirdly intense gaze, I felt my heart skip a beat. Like, was he actually checking me out? My heart didn't skip a beat because I liked him, I understood that. It skipped a beat, because I've never fully functionally seen someone check me out. A minute passed before I could fully register myself there, "Yeah I am, y/n, l/n." He looked up to my eyes by then and his brown eyes bored into my soul I almost looked away, but I had to show I'm more confident than that. "Finn, Finn Ollivander." I reply back with a soft smirk "Well Ollivander what can I do for you?"

"Well nothing of course, y/n, just saying hi to a pretty face." He smirks and puts his finger in two "L"'s as if he were to take a picture. I laugh and simply say "Well, I'll keep that in mind Ollivander." and walk away to go where again was my destination in the first place.

🐍 What do you think will happen between y/n and Finn ?

I'm on a roll tonight and publishing more chapters !!!

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