𝕓𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘

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I groggily opened my eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep. My gaze drifted around the room, taking in the rows of bookshelves, the fourposter bed, and the faint scent of Anastasia's perfume. It was a peaceful atmosphere, one that I usually cherished. But today, my mind was still reeling from the events of the past two weeks.

"Ugh, it's been about two weeks since that last... incident with Malfoy," I muttered to myself, trying to shake off the lingering unease. Anastasia still lay asleep, her dark hair tangled around her pillow. I sat down on the bed beside her,  as I began to flip through the pages of my latest book.

The words blurred together as I lost myself in the story. I didn't even notice when Anastasia woke up, her eyes fluttering open as she yawned.

"Morning," she murmured, stretching her arms above her head.

"Morning," I replied, not looking up from my book. "I'm thinking we should try to scope out some cute guys today. Maybe we can actually get some decent attention for once."

Anastasia snorted, rolling over onto her side. "You're such a hopeless romantic. But sure, why not? We can always use a little distraction, especially from. Malfoy.." she winked

"Don't remind me." I grinned, feeling a sense of excitement wash over me. We made our way to the Great Hall for breakfast, joining the hundreds of students already seated at the long tables. The Gryffindor table was its usual rowdy self, with Hermione, Harry, and Ron laughing and chatting with their friends.

But just as we were about to take our seats, Professor Dumbledore stood up, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Welcome, students, to our new arrivals," he said, his voice booming across the hall. "I would like to introduce you to Matteo Riddle, Blaise Zabini, and Dean Riddle. All of whom have already been sorted into Slytherin."

The three boys stepped forward, their faces a mix of emotionlessness and confidence. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I took in their features  Matteo's sharp jawline and piercing brown eyes, Blaise's dark hair and sly smile, and Dean's rugged good looks and easy charm. Just as I was about to look away I caught his eye, Matteo. His eyes lingered my face then my body, I quickly looked away... What else was I suppose to do.

Dumbledore smiles a warm welcome at them. "I think it would be lovely if you could give our new students a warm welcome," he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

The Slytherin table erupted into applause and cheers as the Slytherin students clapped and whistled. I felt a surge of excitement mixed with a dash of nervousness as I watched them take their seats at the Slytherin table. Of course our table would be the loudest of all.

As we sat down at our own table, Anastasia leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Well, well, well. Looks like we've got some new competition on our hands."

I grinned mischievously back at her. "Game on," I whispered in return.

And with that, our day began full of what seems possibilities, and maybe even a little bit of romance.

I stepped into the dimly lit classroom, my eyes adjusting to the soft glow of the ancient runes projected on the walls. Professor McGonagall's voice echoed through the room, welcoming us to our Second class of the day The first one was a blur. I felt a flutter in my chest as I scanned the room, taking in the familiar faces of my classmates. But then, my gaze landed on the two new students,,, Matteo and Blaise. They looked like they just stepped out of a whole other universe.

As I made my way to the empty seats at the back of the classroom, my eyes met Matteo's. He didn't even flinch. No reaction. It was like I was just a mere mortally like invisible to him. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I sat down next to Anastasia, trying to shake off the weirdness.

"What's going on?" Anastasia whispered, her eyes fixed on Matteo.

"Nothing," I replied, trying to sound casual. "Just...just got here."

But Anastasia's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "You're staring at him," she whispered, nudging me playfully.

I looked away, feeling a flush rise to my cheeks. "No, I'm not."

Anastasia raised an eyebrow. "Yes, you are. You're totally fascinated by him."

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "He's just...different."

"And his friend is HOT." she nudged me.

That was an understatement they were both attractive. There was something about Matteo that drew me in, like a moth to a flame. I couldn't explain it, but I felt this intense desire to figure him out. Who was this guy? What was his story? Where did he come from..?

As Professor McGonagall began to explain the intricacies of ancient runes, I found myself stealing glances at Matteo. He sat with Blaise, his face expressionless, his eyes fixed on the professor's words.

Draco sat across from me, his eyes flicking between Matteo and me. His jaw clenched, and for a moment, I thought he might say something. But he just turned back to the lesson, his face a mask of jealousy.

I turned back to Anastasia, who was watching me with a knowing glint in her eye.

"Spill," she whispered.

I leaned in closer. "I don't know what it is about him, but...I just can't stop thinking about him. And Malfoy looks mad"

Anastasia grinned mischievously. "I think you might be in trouble."

I rolled my eyes, but deep down, I knew she was right. There was something about Matteo that had me hooked, and I couldn't wait to find out what it was, and Draco was old news he kept playing with me and I knew he was already BAD news..

As the class came to an end, Professor McGonagall dismissed us, and we filed out of the classroom. I glanced back at Matteo one last time, feeling a flutter in my chest, he was already looking at me, but as always emotionless.

Who was this guy? And why did I feel like he held the secrets of the universe within his dark, mysterious eyes...?

🐍 Matteo or Draco...? hmm I guess we'll find out.


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