𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕪

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           As I closed my room door, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. I had just gotten back from a long day of getting here and everything that happened, and all I wanted to do was crash on my bed and forget about the drama that seemed to follow me everywhere. And to my surprise, I saw Anastasia lying on her bed, fast asleep. She looked so peaceful, her dark hair splayed out across the pillow, her face relaxed in a soft smile. I felt a pang of gratitude that she was here, someone who didn't seem to judge me or care about the drama that swirled around me. I plopped down on my own bed, sinking into the softness and letting out a sigh of relief. As I lay there, my mind began to wander to Malfoy. Merlin, he really gets under my skin. Like, why did he have to be so...Malfoy? So arrogant and entitled? Like he thinks he's above everyone else just because of his family name. And don't even get me started on how he seems to think I'd just swoon over him like every other girl in the school did. Newsflash, Malfoy: I'm not impressed, His eyes might be a beautiful grey that made me want to look at them, and his skin flawless and seems smooth to the touch, but we've hated each other since 1st year. My eyes started to glaze over as I thought about our first encounter in the courtyard where Draco called Hermione a Mudblood, it started all my hate. He had been so smug and condescending, and I had just wanted to...I don't know, roll my eyes or just hit him. But then I started thinking about Finn, and how he was here when I just wanted to go to my room, He was there and he seemed genuinely interested and that made me, I guess uncomfortable. Like, why did he have to be there I know I don't like him and I hope he doesn't think anything might happen between us... And then my mind started to drift off, and before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep myself. 

         As I lay in bed, trying to will myself back into the world of dreams, I felt a gentle tug on my arm. I groggily opened my eyes to see Anastasia's bright smile hovering above me. "Rise and shine, y/n!" she chirped, her voice like a morning alarm clock. I groaned and rolled over, trying to snuggle back into my pillow. "Five more minutes, please?" I mumbled, but Anastasia was in a happy mood, I knew she wasn't going to give me 5 minutes. She plopped down beside me, her eyes shining with excitement. "It's the first day y/n! We can't be late! And besides, there's probably going to be a bunch of cute guys!" She bounced up and down, her dark her was up in a ponytail bobbing up and down every time she bounced.

     I threw a half-asleep hand up at her, trying to shield my eyes from the morning sunlight streaming through the window. "Anastasia, can you just let me sleep?" I pleaded, but she was already getting up from the bed, pulling me along with her. "Come on, y/n! We have to get to the dining hall before breakfast ends." She dragged me out of bed, and I stumbled after her, trying to shake off the lingering sleepiness. As we made our way down the stairs, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and winced at the messy hair and sleepy-eyed expression staring back at me. I grabbed a mini skirt and a shirt that showed everything, but nothing at the same time and just kept my robe in my hand.

     We burst into the dining hall, where the usual chaos of Gryffindor students chatting and laughing filled the air. Anastasia pushed me towards the food tables, and I reluctantly followed, grabbing a plate and loading it up with pancakes and eggs. As we sat down at a table near the window, I spotted Draco Malfoy sauntering towards us, he had a smirk of course. Ugh. Just what I needed to make this morning complete. He slid into the seat across from us, his eyes raking over me like we like I was an experiment. 

      "Ah, lovely y/n," he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You look particularly... refreshed this morning. I'd love to get a look of what's under that skirt." Anastasia rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath as I felt my face heat up with embarrassment. "Just ignore him," she whispered, nudging me with her elbow. But it was too late – Draco had already gotten a rise out of me. "Shut up, Malfoy!" I snapped, my voice louder than I intended. The room fell silent as everyone turned to stare at us. "Come on y/n that body is meant to be discovered."

        Professor McGonagall appeared at our table like a benevolent goddess, her eyes flashing with warning. "Enough," she said firmly, her voice commanding everyone's attention. "y/n and Miss Lockhart are not going to start their day off on the wrong foot. We have classes to attend and on time." She handed me a stern look before turning to Draco. "And Mr. Malfoy... perhaps you would do well to remember that your behavior is not worthy of your House's reputation."

            I felt a mix of relief and embarrassment as we got up from the table and made our way to our first class of the day ....Transfiguration. As we walked down the corridor, Anastasia clapped me on the back and whispered, "Sorry about that, y/n. I guess you're just not used to being fawned over by the likes of Draco." I shot her a smile she could tell was completely fake "You know it's not the likes of Draco. He's trying to get under my skin and always has been." She laughs "I know, but isn't it better to make it sound like Malfoy is just fawning over you? Makes it sound exciting." "Maybe to you,"  we slipped into our seats in Professor Flitwick's class.

         As we began to work on our lesson for the day  "transforming" small objects into other shapes. I couldn't help but think that maybe Anastasia was right. Maybe today was going to be better than expected after all. And maybe those cute guys she had mentioned might actually show up after all...

   🐍   NEW NEW NEW Characters coming up in a couple more chapters, stay tuned !!

I need a nickname for Anastasia and I'm "writersblocked," NEED HELP !!!


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