ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕝𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕪...

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     As I walked through the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts, the sound of whispers and laughter grew louder, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement wash over me as I turned the corner to the common room. But what I found was not what I expected the Slytherin table was set with a spread of snacks and drinks, and the atmosphere was filled with music and chatter. My eyes scanned the room, taking in the sea of faces, until they landed on one that made my heart skip a beat Draco Malfoy, leaning against the table, a smirk spreading across his face as he effortlessly charmed a group of giggling girls, that's always his go to move damn he's a slut. I rolled my eyes, not surprised in the least that he was already on his try and get girls to fuck him in the bathroom streak. But just as I was about to turn away, Adrian popped out from behind a pillar, his eyes sparkling with mischief as looked at me up and down, he smirked. "Hey, y/n, you look different," he said, his voice low and smooth, his gaze flicking over my body. "Summer must have been good to you." I raised an eyebrow, feeling a flutter in my chest at the way he said it, as he always does casual and nonchalant. "Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant despite the fact that my heart was racing. Adrian's eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned. "Let's just say I've been keeping up with your social media accounts," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I mean, those selfies were... damn l/n." I roll my eyes "Don't let it fool you, You know damn well I didn't do anything but rot in my room Adrian." He rolled his eyes "I mean I know who to call when I need a quick fuck." He laughs and I give him a small punch "Real funny I'll let Dumbledore know you want his dick." We walk to the snack table right beside Draco, who was looking at me taking it all in, yes I know I look good, everyone's told me it, but Draco looking at me. Merlin no. 

        "Guess we can see the slut got a body this summer." He laughed but not just a normal laugh an annoying know it all laugh. Hearing him even speak pissed me off, I ignored it. By the time the party was over, the common room was cleared out and I just sat on the couch, taking Hogwarts in the familiar smell of old books and worn out carpets, the soft glow of the lanterns casting a warm light on the plush carpet. I got up and started up to stairs, my mind still reeling from the chaos of the party, when I bumped into Finn who was lingering on the stairs. He flashed me a charming smile and started talking to me then to the point he was whispering in my ear about how beautiful I was. "y/n everything about you is so perfect", his hands grazing against my arm as he did so. At first, I was taken aback by his sudden forwardness, but as he continued to whisper to me in hushed tones, I found myself getting lost in the rhythm of our conversation. Who was I to not let loose and enjoy the moment? So, I did the same playfully teasing him back my finger in his waistband feeling him get hard I touch his crotch, his lips on my neck... I couldn't help but wonder why he was even in our common room in the first place. Was it a coincidence, or had he been looking for someone to pass the time with? The thought flickered through my mind like a fleeting shadow, but I pushed it aside, focusing instead on the thrill of the moment. He picked me up, so I wrapped my legs around his beautiful tan body enjoying the company as our kisses began speeding up then getting slower, "I've been waiting to do that for forever." He whispers in my ear putting me down. He gives me a smirk and laughs "Catch you later l/n." What the hell just happened. I walk up the stairs and bump into a hard body. Great who might this be they definitely saw that. There is no way they didnt. I hadn't looked up yet but all I could smell was sweet cologne and green apples. "Look at me." He says, Fuck. I. Know. That. Voice, Draco. I look up, his eyes meet mine, they're grey, his eyes were a light color grey and they were piecing into mine. He chuckles "You like what you see?" His smirk being wider than ever. I stumble on my words, what do I say, what can I even do.. "not really, but it's the only view I have since you're in my way." He grabs the bottom of my chin tilting it upwards closer to his face. "Then watch where you're going slut." I swallow the spit that's been mellowing in my mouth, "I don't know who you think you are Malfoy, but it's not my boss and you definitely have no right to be calling me a slut." 

      He rolls his eyes and chuckles, "Well I can, as I see it you're already cuddling up with a Hufflepuff, with the moves I saw then maybe I can teach you some more." I scoff "You're disgusting." I try to move past him, but he grabs my arm. Hard. "Comon' y/n a slut like yourself obviously can't handle me, but we can definitely try." You're the last person I'll ever do anything with, I'm not one of the girls here who swoon over you Malfoy." I rip my hands away and basically run away like a child to my room.

🐍  How do we feel about Finn and Draco, who do we like better ??


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