ℝ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕪 𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤

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I stepped out of the castle, into the cool rain-soaked air. The Transfiguration class had been a nightmare, and I desperately needed a break from all the drama. Professor McGonagall's constant scrutiny and the tension between Ron and Hermione was suffocating. As I walked into the courtyard, I felt the rain pattering against my skin, washing away my frustration.

I had always loved rainy days, but it was different here at Hogwarts. The castle seemed to come alive in the rain, and the courtyard was especially magical. The sound of dripping water and the smell of wet stone created a sense of tranquility that I couldn't find anywhere else.

I walked to the center of the courtyard, feeling the cool rain seep into my bones. I closed my eyes, letting the rain wash over me, and took a deep breath. The smell of wet earth and leaves filled my lungs, and for a moment, I forgot about everything else.

As I stood there, lost in the sensation of the rain, I felt a presence behind me. I turned to see Finn standing there, his hair dripping with rainwater, his eyes looking at me with a mixture of apology and longing.

"Hey," he said, his voice low and gentle. "I saw you out here and thought I'd join you."

I nodded, feeling a little self-conscious. "Yeah, I just needed some fresh air."

He nodded, his eyes never leaving mine. "I know how that feels."

We stood there for a moment, the only sound being the rain pattering against the stones.

"I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night," he said finally.

I raised an eyebrow. "What about it?" 

He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry about what happened. I know I overstepped."

I shrugged. "It's fine, Finn. It was just a matter of the moment."

He looked at me intensely. "But it wasn't just that, was it?"

I raised my eyebrow again. "What do you mean?"

He took another step closer to me. "I've had feelings for you since 5th year, y/n. And last night... it was like I finally had the chance to be honest with myself and with you y/n."

My heart skipped a beat as I processed his words. But before I could respond with anything, I shook my head I knew I didn't have feelings for him, he's pretty, he's sweet, and here we are to show he's understanding, but I just can't bring myself to like Finn  .

"Finn, I don't... I don't feel that way about you," I said trying not to hurt him as bad as it sounded, I'd rather him know than long for something to happen again.

His face fell, but he didn't look surprised. "I figured as much," he said quietly.

We stood there for a moment, the rain continuing to fall around us.

"But can I ask why?" he said finally.

I shrugged. "It was just a fun night, Finn. We were both stressed and needed an escape. That's all."

He nodded slowly. "I see."

We stood there for another moment, the silence between us growing thicker.

"I'll still be here for you when you come around" he said finally.

I smiled slightly. I had no words, I knew I wasn't going to come around, this is what I dreaded. Him having some sort of hope.

As we stood there in the rain-soaked courtyard, I realized that maybe this was my happy place, not just because of the rain or the castle's magic, but because of moments like this, where I could be honest with myself and others.

Finn nodded at me once more before turning to leave. As he disappeared into the rain, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Not because our conversation was awkward or anything particular, but because we had both been honest with each other.

As I turned back to gaze out at the rain soaked courtyard, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. This was where I belonged not in some fairy-tale romance or drama filled school, but in Hogwarts.

The rain continued to fall around me, washing away my worries and doubts. And as I stood there, surrounded by the castle's ancient magic and the soothing sounds of nature, I knew that this was where I would find my true happiness, alone in the rain soaked courtyard, surrounded by nothing but my own thoughts and emotions.

"What's bloody Finn want from you now y/n" a voice I recognized said from being me. Just as I thought everything was feeling better he had to be here, interrupting what I thought was alone.

"What do you care Malfoy," my words spit out like venom and I hope he gets the hint. "Why can't you just leave me alone." He moves towards me closer than I'd like and all I can smell is green apples and Creed Aventus cologne. The scent was so intoxicating, like a drug I've only tried for the first time, the high you wish you could achieve again. "Why wouldn't I care love?" I laugh at him "Yeah right, really? You can just leave me be Malfoy. You act like you have a stick up your ass all the time and I can stand it you make me want to rip all my bloody hair out." He fakes his reaction with a gasp, "Is that so?" his eyebrow raises as he grabs my back with his hand, and grazes my face with the other pushing the extra hairs away. "If I make you so mad y/n why is your heart beating faster than mine after a quidditch tournament eh ?" He smirks. "You have no right to touch me Malfoy." I say not letting go. "Then why haven't you tried to get away love?" he whispers in my ear seductively... I can't move I feel paralyzed. His eyes draw to my lips "Y/n" I move my eyes to his, "hm," his lips inches from mine, then I hear the bell.


 He moves his mouth to my ear and whispers "What a shame y/n, I'll see you later love."  then walks away with a little as a smirk.

    🐍 Let me know how you guys feel aboutt his one !!!


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