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Not long after that, she received a phone call. With her hands shaking, she picked it up.

"Hello?", she said, holding her breath.

"Hey, Sarge. I hope you're doing okay."

"I'm doing a lot better than okay." She didn't know how she was doing, she couldn't explain it. But none of these mattered, she had her Ravi back. That's all she ever needed. "What about you?"

"I missed you, my Pip. I need to see you, I can finally see you. I heard there's a new cafeteria there, we could meet there. Like a date. What do you say?"

She wanted to scream and jump for joy. Turns out she was still Pip. She had found herself again. "I say...see you there today at 5?"

"Alright, can't wait, see you later, sarge!"


Haunted - AGGGTM sequelWhere stories live. Discover now