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an air of anticipation hung heavy as guests from far and wide gathered to witness the union of Senna and Plato Wessex. The great hall was adorned with rich tapestries depicting the valiant deeds of knights and the noble history of the Wessex lineage.

The grand hall of Wessex Castle was awash in vibrant blue and shimmering golds. Majestic banners festooned the vaulted ceilings, while ornate candelabras bathed the scene in a red warm, flickering glow. It was the dawning of a new era, as the kingdom celebrated the union of Senna and Plato Wessex.

Senna felt her heartbeat flutter in her chest as she made her way down the endless aisle. Her platinum satin gown hugged her fae figure to perfection, the sweeping train fanning out behind her. The gossamer veil couldn't fully mask her unique beauty - tan skin adorned with an alluring dimples, luscious ginger locks cascading in waves, and her mismatched yet mesmerizing eyes, one electric blue, the other a vivid emerald.  There stood plato a tall and handsome in his silver armor, the emblem of the Wessex family emblazoned proudly on his chest
At last, she reached Plato's side. His own striking heterochromia locked onto hers as their hands intertwined. In that singular moment, nothing else existed beyond the two of them sharing this sacred vow. Their words hung potent in the air until the elderly priest pronounced, "You may now seal your love with a kiss."

Their lips met in a tender yet passionate embrace as thunderous cheers erupted throughout the hall. Senna's heart felt fit to burst with boundless joy.

The feast that followed was a sight to behold, with tables groaning under the weight of roasted meats, fresh fruits, and goblets overflowing with mead. The revelry continued late into the night, with jesters and acrobats entertaining the guests with their antics.

As they turned to face their adoring subjects, Clover rushed over, her bright eyes shining with unshed tears of happiness for her twin. "May I steal my sister for a dance?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course," Plato replied with an indulgent smile.

The two sisters twirled across the marble floor, a vivid portrait of beauty and grace. Clover's beautiful braided ginger locks whipped about as Senna's fiery tresses trailed behind in her wake.

From the edges of the celebration, Heven the royal guard watched with a serene smile. Her ethereal silver hair and golden eyes seemed to shimmer with mystical energies. She made her way through the crowd to offer congratulations to the newly wedded king.

"You looked quite dashing today, Your Majesty," she complimented warmly. "And Senna was a vision as a blushing bride."

Plato's eyes crinkled at the corners. "Indeed, she was more radiant than the celestial stars themselves." His gaze took on a playful glint. "So, when may I collect on my wedding gift and take your mighty Pegasus for a morning tour of the skies?"

Laughter like mellifluous chimes pealed from Heven's lips. "On the 'morrow, my liege. I shall have Zephyrus awaiting your command at first light."

As orange champagne flowed and the revelry extended long into the starry night, Senna basked in the absolute perfection of this moment. United with her eternal soulmate, surrounded by her loving clan, and filled with the promise of many joyful years to come as queen.

The following day The rising sun glinted off Zephyrus's magnificent white wings as Plato guided the mighty Pegasus across the azure heavens. Below, the lush gardens of the castle blossomed in radiant hues. Senna and Clover strolled amongst the fragrant flower beds, deep in conversation.

"So, how does it feel to be married to one of the most handsome man in all of Eden?" Clover teased, her elect eyes dancing with mirth.

Senna's laughter tinkled like wind chimes. "Simply divine," she sighed wistfully, clutching Clover's hands. "Though I do hope certain others will cease their incessant flirtations now that he's taken."

Heir to the throne: Broken BloodWhere stories live. Discover now