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The journey back to Notah's village passed largely in contemplative silence. His mind whirled with the enormity of the situation he now found himself ensnared in. As they approached the familiar thatched huts and meandering dirt pathways, a familiar figure came into view - Kaell, Notah's closest friend and confidant.

Kaell's eyed the lovely Navi appraisingly before shooting Notah a questioning look. Notah sighed and made the introductions, watching realization slowly dawn on his friend's features.

"If you'll excuse us, I must borrow Notah for a hunt," Kaell said politely to Navi before pulling Notah aside towards the forests bounding the village.

As they moved through the shaded forest trails, bows at the ready, Kaell finally broke the taut silence. " do you intend to explain this to Clover?" he asked carefully.

Notah loosed a frustrated breath, sighting his arrow along a nearby stag. With a dull thud, the bolt found its mark and the buck crumpled.

"Clover remains ensconced with her kin in their palace fortresses," he said gruffly, retrieving his kill. "She need never know of this...arranged situation."

"And if you and your wife are blessed with children?" Kaell pressed. "What then, if your offspring bear the darker complexions of our Acroan kind rather than Clover's  Wessex beauty? Would she not question such parentage?"

The muscles in Notah's jaw tensed as he considered his friend's words. He had not allowed his mind to wander down such paths before. What if his child was born bearing the obvious traits of his heritage rather than Clover's coveted bloodline?

Seeing the pain flickering across Notah's countenance, Kaell swiftly changed tact. "Enough of such fretting. Tell me true - do you at least find yourself enamored with your new bride herself? Or is she but a regrettable obligation in your eyes?"

Notah was quiet for a long moment, contemplating. "Navi is...agreeable enough, I suppose. She is kindhearted and we converse with ease. My sole reservations extend towards the inevitability of being expected to sire heirs with her."

"Is not Clover's match also an arranged one, to unite her bloodline with another noble Wessex house?" Kaell pointed out pragmatically. "She can hardly condemn you for following similar paths to secure the continuation of your family's legacy."

An anguished look flickered across Notah's chiseled features. "You underestimate the profundity of the bond Clover and I share. She is utterly uncompromising in her convictions - any perceived betrayal would pouze her very spirit."

As they turned to head back towards the village, Kaell could perceive the weariness emanating from his closest friend. Notah was a man trapped between two worlds, beholden to uphold obligations but tormented by a transcendent love that destined him for perpetual despair.

Notah watched from across the fire pit as Navi and his sister Kai became acquainted, their lively conversation and laughter intermingling in the crackling evening air. Despite the inner turmoil he grappled with, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips observing how easily Navi integrated herself.

Excusing himself, he retreated to the modest bathing chambers, relishing the simple ritual of scrubbing away the day's grime and exertions. The tepid water helped calm his roiling thoughts about the complicated web his life had become.

How could he continue pining for Clover, the woman he knew to be his soulmate, his destiny, while
simultaneously growing ever more enmeshed with Navi? She was a sweet, caring partner thrust into his world through no fault of her own beyond the inescapable duties of tradition.

Toweling off, Notah padded into the bedchambers to find Navi waiting. She had procured a skin of ale and set out two crude clay cups, a gentle smile playing across her lips.

Heir to the throne: Broken BloodWhere stories live. Discover now