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As the soldiers honed their skills under Ryain's watchful eye, his most trusted companion, Lord Taurus, approached him with his daughter, Lady Bella, by his side. Lady Bella had just returned from a secret meeting with Lord Colin Chatillon, a powerful ally who had agreed to a marriage alliance with his son, Rich Chatillon, and Lady Bella. Moreover, Lord Colin pledged a hundred skilled men to support the Wessex family in their quest for the throne. Lord Taurus beckoned his daughter to walk with him. Away from the prying eyes of King Plato, they strolled through the field as their footsteps muffled.
Lady bella gaze was steady as she met her father's eyes. With a sigh, she revealed that their plan to place their family on the throne was proceeding as planned, though not without its challenges. Then, with a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, she dared to ask the question that lingered unspoken between them. "And what of Hadya, my sister? How fares her manipulation of Ryain?"
He tells her hayda need a little time but their plan for the throne is going good so far. fear not, for their goal remains within reach."
They hug before partying ways and bella goes look for her sister and niece. As she reached the entertainment room, her eyes fell upon her sister who sat serenely painting a delicate portrait while her young daughter, Halle, played with her toys. Hayda looked up, her eyes alight with a mixture of surprise and delight as she saw her sister entering the room. "Bella, what a pleasant surprise," greeted Hayda, setting down her paintbrush.
Lady Bella nodded, a mysterious smile playing on her lips. "Lord Colin is fully on board with our alliance with Prince Ryain Wessex. Our influence over him grows stronger by the day."
As the sisters spoke in hushed tones, Hayda leaned in closer to Bella, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I have a daring idea, one that may secure our family's place on the throne for generations to come."

Intrigued, Bella placed her hands over young Halle's ears, ensuring she wouldn't overhear their clandestine conversation. Hayda revealed her devious plan to let Ryain rule for a short period after the impending war, only to then poison killing him, allowing their family to seize power with Hayda as the rightful queen merging their houses.
Bella's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of shock and amusement crossing her features. "You never cease to amaze me, dear sister. Your ambition knows no bounds."
Hayda confided in Bella, " but No lets not. You know, sister, I must admit that despite his occasional idiocy, I find myself quite fond of Ryain and besides its your neice dad."
Bella chuckled softly, her emerald eyes sparkling with mischief. "I can't blame you for that, dear sister. After all, who could resist his charms, even if he does have a penchant for trouble?"
Hayda nodded, a wistful look crossing her features. "True, true. But I must confess, I never quite saw eye to eye with his wife Credessa for that matter."
Bella arched an elegant eyebrow. "Ah, yes, Lady Credessa. I wouldn't be too fond of a woman who found herself pregnant by my own husband either. Can't fault her there."
Hayda rolled her eyes, a playful glint in her own eyes. "It was a mere accident, a drunken night, and we both know Ryain's reputation as a notorious womanizer."All i honestly remember is waking up in his bed without clothes and a angry credessa comes in and tries to attack Me but ryain stops her only for credessa to start hitting on him." " i used that chance to grab my clothes and leave." A mischievous smile played on Bella's lips as she prodded further, "So, dear sister, how many times did this 'accident' occur between you and the charming prince?"
Hayda blushed furiously, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink. "Oh, well, um... a few times, I suppose."

Bella raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. "A few times? My, my, it seems the Prince certainly left quite an impression on you, Hayda."
As the conversation took a more serious turn, Bella's next question lingered in the air like a delicate perfume. "Have you ever considered the possibility of becoming Queen, given that you bore the Prince's first child? Hayda's gaze drifted to the ornate ceiling, lost in thought. "One must remember, dear sister, that only a true Wessex by blood can claim the throne. Half-bloods and outsiders have no place in the line of succession they simply do not exist to them."Bella raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. "A few times? My, my, it seems the Prince certainly left quite an impression on you, Hayda."

On the training grounds, amidst the clanging of swords and the shouts of soldiers, Prince Ryain's cousin, Xander a loyal supporter of Ryain's claim to the throne, approached him. "Shall we visit the pleasure house and tavern tonight?" Xander inquired, a mischievous glint in his eye.
A smile played on Ryain's lips as he nodded, "Indeed, we deserve a night of revelry enough hard hard not enough play time."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of red and orange, Ryain and Xander retired to their chambers to prepare for the night ahead. Both men knew that the tavern would be alive with music, laughter, and the clinking of tankards.
Their first destination was the grandest tavern in the bustling streets. As they entered, the lively sounds of music and merry laughter greeted their ears. The air was thick with the scent of ale and the promise of adventure. The two royals wasted no time in joining the festivities, clinking tankards with the locals, sharing bawdy jokes, and dancing with the joyful townswomen. As the ale flowed freely, Prince Ryain and Xander found themselves in high spirits, reveling in the carefree atmosphere of the evening. With the tavern behind them and the night still young, the princely duo made their way to the infamous pleasure house on the outskirts of town. The moment they stepped inside, they were enveloped in a world of opulence and decadence beyond their wildest imaginations. The pleasure house was a labyrinth of silk and lace, with exotic scents lingering in the air and beautiful women draped in luxurious fabrics moving gracefully through the halls. The cousins were greeted warmly by the inhabitants, who offered them drinks and companionship for the night. One of the workers, a familiar face to Prince Ryain, led him to a private chamber where memories of past encounters flooded back. The worker, with a coy smile, whispered, "I've missed you, Ryain. You were always my favorite," before joining him on the bed. Meanwhile, Xander found himself in the company of a captivating beauty who regaled him with stories of distant lands and whispered promises of forbidden pleasure. As the night wore on and the two men indulged in the delights of the pleasure house, the realization that dawn was approaching prompted them to bid their farewells and return to the awaiting carriage outside. They returned to the palace in a drunken stupor, their laughter echoing through the corridors. Waiting for them was Hadya  her expression a mix of anger and disappointment.
She scolded the two young men for their irresponsible behavior before retreating to her bedchamber. Ignoring her disapproving gaze, a tipsy Ryain followed her, while Xander stumbled off to his own room.
Inside the bedchamber, Hadya turned to face Ryain, her arms folded across her chest. "Did you do anything foolish tonight, besides drowning yourself in drink?" she demanded, her tone sharp with concern. To which ryain replies , "We merely went to the tavern to revel and indulge in merriment."
Hadya narrowed her eyes, studying him intently. "You are known for your indiscretions,  Ryain. How am I to trust your words?" she challenged him. Sitting up in bed, Ryain matched her gaze steadily. "You are right, Hadya. You understand my nature all too well. Why bother with lies between us?" he confessed, a hint of weariness in his voice.
With a sigh, Hadya uncrossed her arms, her expression softening slightly. "You are a creature of chaos, Ryain Wessex. It is a trait that both infuriates and intrigues me," she admitted.

Heir to the throne: Broken BloodWhere stories live. Discover now