Death of a prince.

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Roman's boots struck the polished marble in a rhythmic cadence as he prowled down the drafty castle corridors. At his side slithered his ever-present companion, the emerald-scaled serpent Walder.

"Ssso when doesss the great Roman Wesssex finally take a bride?" the snake hissed, forked tongue flicking out tauntingly.

Roman's lips twisted into a derisive sneer. "Well I would ask for the fair Sia hand, I suppose. Though truth be told, she's hardly the woman I desire."

Something akin to a snort issued from Walder. "Then who does sssate your lussstsss, master?" 

The young man's vivid gaze slanted sideways, brimming with a forbidden longing he dared not give voice to. "Senna should have been mine, not relegated to polishing Plato's royal crown," he bit out bitterly. "I'm thrice the man he'll ever be for senna."

Sensing the rising turbulence in his master's emotions, Walder coiled more tightly around Roman's forearm in a comforting squeeze. "Peace. I meant no disssressspect."
Plato and Roman, who were inseparable in childhood also.
Growing up together in the grand castle, Plato, Roman,and Ryain shared everything, from dreams of adventure to secret escapades in the royal gardens. They were as close as brothers, united by blood and a deep bond that seemed unbreakable. Whenever roman wasnt with them he was with his beloved senna.
However, as the years passed, fate began to unravel their close-knit relationship. Roman was called to war to defend the kingdom, leaving behind his beloved, Senna.
During Roman's absence, Plato and Senna found solace in each other's company. Their friendship blossomed into a forbidden love, a love that neither could deny. As they spent more time together, Plato and Senna fell deeper into a whirlwind of emotions.
The night of Plato's coronation, as he ascended to the throne, he made a bold move that would change the course of their lives forever. He approached Senna, his heart heavy with guilt yet determined in his resolve, and asked her to be his girlfriend. To his surprise, Senna accepted, unable to deny the powerful pull she felt towards him.
When Roman returned from the war, weary and battle-worn, he was greeted not by celebrations but by whispers of betrayal and deceit. The sight of Plato and Senna together, their hands intertwined, shattered Roman's heart into a million pieces. Betrayed by those he loved the most, Roman felt a rage unlike any other consume him, threatening to engulf everything he held dear.
The bond that once united Plato and Roman was now fractured beyond repair. The shadows of jealousy and resentment loomed large over the castle, casting a dark cloud over the Wessex family. With each passing day, the rift between the cousins widened, tearing apart the very fabric of their shared past.

Before Roman could issue a terse retort, a lilting feminine voice drifted towards them. "Why, if it isn't my dearest nephew!"

Clover swept down the adjoining hallway, radiant in a flowing chiffon gown of emerald silk. Her long ginger tresses were pulled in an artfully braided knot, eyes sparkling with delight at catching sight of them.

"Aunt Clover," Roman purred in return, bending to brush an admittedly overfamiliar kiss across her rouged knuckles. "As breathtaking as the day you were born, I see."

A becoming flush stole across Clover's cheeks at the overt flattery. "You scalawag, making me blush with your honeyed words as always." She spared a sidelong glance and smile for Walder. "And my apologies for the unintended slight, Walder. You're looking exceptionally virile this spring."

The serpent's tail gave an imperious flick, almost a dismissive wave of acknowledgment.

"I was just about to indulge in one of my newly baked confections," Clover announced gaily, looping her arm through Roman's to tug them towards the nearby kitchens. "You simply must be the judge of whether I've finally mastered the kingdom's prized recipe for cloudberry cake."

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