Parting ways.

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Outside the castle, Plato slumped against a weathered stone wall, tears streaming down his face. The weight of his family's discord crushed his spirit. Suddenly, Credessa emerged from the shadows, her eyes filled with concern. She wrapped her arms around her brother, offering silent comfort.

"You have to be your own king, Plato," she whispered. "Being the ruler Mother wants will only destroy you. You have a beautiful family and kingdom. Don't let her take that away."

Plato's voice cracked as he replied, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. The family's at war because I didn't want to disappoint Mother, but I love my wife."

Credessa squeezed his hand. "I'm in your corner. I can talk to Ryain, persuade him. Like you, I hate this fighting. Remember, Senna and Clover's father died in war, just like ours. We've all lost too much already."

Meanwhile, Senna and Roman returned to Clover's room. They found her awake, cradling Notah as she nursed him. Clover's eyes were filled with guilt. "I'm sorry I caused all of this," she murmured.

Senna's voice was gentle but firm. "Don't apologize for being in love. I'll make sure you see Notah's father once things calm down."

They shared a quiet meal, savoring a moment of peace amidst the chaos. Hours slipped by until a maid summoned Roman. He scooped up his pet snake, Walder, before leaving, assuring Senna he'd return shortly.

Senna drew a bath, sinking into the warm water with a sigh of relief. Suddenly, she heard the room door open and strange noises and her sister screams. Alarmed, she tried to exit the bathroom, but the door was locked from the other side . She pounded on the wood, leaving dents as she screamed and plead for Roman.

Downstairs, Roman heard Senna's cries. He and Plato raced to Clover's room, their strength allowing them to kick down the locked door. They burst in to find two men attempting to snatch Notah. In a blur of motion, they killed one assailant. Plato, his eyes blazing with fury, interrogated the survivor.

"Who sent you?" he growled.

The man, trembling, confessed, "Sapphire paid us."

Roman freed Senna from the bathroom, pulling her into a protective embrace as Plato, consumed by rage, stormed to his mother's chambers.

Plato's voice thundered through the room, startling Credessa awake. She rushed to the doorway, witnessing her brother's fury.


His words cut through the air like a sword. "You've gone too far, Mother. I can't keep protecting you. YOU'RE WRONG! You've been wrong about this situation from the start! I don't even know who you are anymore. Power is a deadly poison."

Sapphire tried to interject, but Plato silenced her with a glare. "To pay two men to kill a baby? Think about us! What if someone had done that to any of us? How would you feel?"

Before Sapphire could respond, Plato stormed out, brushing past a stunned Credessa. She turned to her mother, horror and disgust etched on her face as the full weight of Sapphire's actions sank in. Without a word, Credessa turned and walked away, leaving Sapphire alone with the consequences of her ruthless ambition.

The castle fell into an uneasy silence, the echoes of Plato's outburst still reverberating through its halls. The Wessex family stood at a crossroads, their bonds tested by betrayal and their future uncertain. As dawn broke over eden, it remained to be seen whether they would emerge from this crisis united or irreparably fractured.

Ryain demanded that Plato apologize to their mother, but Credessa, defending plato actions, caused a rift between her and Ryain. Tensions escalated when Ryain's loyalty to his mother and to they family name clashed with his siblings'views. A heated argument ensued, leading to Ryain deciding to leave the family estate with his mother and go stay with his other daughter mother the thorns and fight for the crown, believing that his mother had been wronged and Plato losing is mind and going mad. Determined to gather allies for his cause, Ryain sought assistance from unexpected quarters to gather people who believe in ryain side number grew larger in numbers. Knowing they would need allies roman and plato sought after the acroans. Roman goes over to their hunting grounds with soldiers looking until they the run into the huge beautiful village. Roman faced off against their warriors until he was granted an audience with Chief Krav. Meanwhile, Notah, emerged from the crowd and recognized Roman. Notah revealed a shocking truth - he fathered a son with a Wessex Princess, Clover in fell in love. The revelation struck a chord with Chief Krav. " A grandson. my grandson , " he looks at notah. Notah tells him he looks just like him with ginger hair like his mom. He was prophesies to be king one day. Yeah,
After realizing the seriousness of the matter Chief Krav agreed to send men to assist Roman in his quest for the crown to protect his grandson from harm and for his rightful spot. The newfound alliance between the Wessex and the Acroans marked a significant turning point in their history. As Roman returned to the castle with Notah and his allies, a heartwarming reunion took place. Clover, overjoyed to see Notah she embraced him with tears of happiness. moments of joy and tension intermingled as family members reunited and war plans were discussed. Notah's mother, held her grandson for the first time he looked just like her sweet baby when he was born a grandmother she was in awe, while underlying jealousy surfaced among navi face thats suppose to be her child getting the attention not the bastard child. Whats left of the Wessex family welcomed Notah and his family, acknowledging the shared blood between them. The men gathered in the grand throne room to strategize for the upcoming battles, setting aside their differences to fight as one force against their common enemy. As they gathered in the war room to discuss battle plans, Chief Krav surprised everyone by revealing an ancient amulet adorned with blood and a dragon's tooth. He explained that the Moss Witch had given him a map leading to great power - a dragon. It had taken him nine long months to locate the creature, but now the Wessex royals, including his own men were in disbelief. They followed Chief Krav to the mountains where a massive black dragon awaited them. Chief Krav approached the dragon, placed the amulet around his neck, and greeted the majestic beast.
"In all my years, I never thought dragons were real," King Plato marveled. The dragon introduced herself and revealing that she had encountered humans and even Wessex royals before.
She explained that acquiring a dragon required a great sacrifice, which was why there were few dragons roaming the skies. With the power of both basilisks and dragons combined, the Wessex royals realized the immense potential for their united forces.

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