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Ryain watched from the practice grounds as soldiers prepared for the imminent conflict against his brother. Returning to the living quarters, Ryain found his mother deep in thought reading a book with worry evident in her eyes. She puts it down when she sees him and they talk.
"My son, i dont think war is the best option , my heart grows heavy. I never imagined my own sons would be pitted against each other like this," Sapphire expressed her concerns to Ryain.
Ryain, determined to restore peace within the family, reassured his mother, "Mother, Plato stands against us to protect Aunt Clover's son, who is allied with our enemies. Plato fails to see the bigger picture, the same enemies who took Father's life our little brother life. He is not fit to be king. Even you once wished for Clover's downfall."" i know Plato is my brother i dont want any harm to come to him but he is comming off of the crown i will fix everything and everything will go back to the way things are supposed to go".
As they spoke, Lady Hayda entered with their child. Ryain's daughter ran into his arms, bringing a smile to his face as he commented on needing a son for an heir. Hayda replies " i can give you a son ryain all you have to do is ask. However, tensions flared as the conversation shifted to the lineage and abilities of their children. Ryain pointed out the difference in their daughter's heritage, emphasizing the importance of the their bloodline and the power it bestowed, including the ability to transform. Queen Sapphire intervened, reminding them of the significance of their lineage and the consequences of diluting their royal blood with outsiders. It was a stark reminder of the weight of their heritage and the responsibilities that came with it.
As Hayda's father come and summon Ryain for a war meeting, a moment of vulnerability between Sapphire and Hayda unfolded. Sapphire confessed her fears of losing another son to war, highlighting the toll the conflict was taking on her.
She Recounts the  incident involving  Clover's child. Sapphire revealed the chilling truth that shed light on the deep-seated animosity and enmity that existed between their family. The revelation shook Hayda to her core, prompting her to reflect on the complexities of the situation. Hayda hugs sapphire and says " just pray to the gods the war end without harm to anyone we can pray together whenever you worry cause we cannot make the two stop we tried already". "Many in the land hold great hate for the acroan and they hold great hate for us. Looking from both sides just shows how each men are different and would be different kings". a realization dawned on Sapphire. Perhaps, in the contrasting personas of her sons, lay there—Plato was known for his compassion and understanding. He had a gentle soul and cared deeply for the people of the kingdom. Ryain was a fierce personality with a headstrong and ruthless nature. He was a wildcard, unpredictable yet undeniably powerful like King Vidor, the deadful king.

Ryain was a fiery and impulsive young man with a penchant for chaos. Despite his good intentions, his actions often led to unpredictable and sometimes disastrous outcomes. He carried himself with an air of superiority, believing that no other royal family could ever match the greatness of the Wessex lineage.

From a young age, Prince Ryain displayed a troubling fascination with the darker side of his abilities.

As he entered his teenage years, his reckless behavior escalated. He would sneak out of the palace to drink and carouse with older women of noble birth, heedless of the consequences.

One fateful night, Prince Ryain's actions led to a tragic event that would forever change the course of a royal family. His antics in a local tavern sparked a confrontation with Lord Ego, a proud and vengeful nobleman. In a fit of rage, Lord Ego took the life of his own wife, unaware that she carried a child - a child conceived during one of Prince Ryain's wild escapades. As the kingdom grieved the loss of Lady Ego, Prince Ryain spiraled further into a hedonistic lifestyle. He reveled in the adulation of the townsfolk, using his status to indulge in reckless behavior without consequences. His temper flared easily, and he thought nothing of starting fights in the tavern, leading to the untimely ends of those who dared to cross him.

In stark contrast to his brother, Prince Plato grew up as the epitome of decorum and grace. He immersed himself in the study of his family's history, eager to learn the intricacies of their unique abilities. Under the guidance of their father, King Roland, Prince Plato honed his skills in diplomacy and governance, preparing himself for the weighty responsibilities of kingship.he would have his times where he would slip away with his brother and have some fun but most of the time he would hang with roman since they had more in common.

Later that night ryain sat amongst his loyal allies in the living quarters of the castle. Lord Taurus Thorn, a trusted confidant, and other members of the council gathered around, savoring wine and engaging in animated discussions. As the fire crackled in the hearth, Ryain spoke with determination, his piercing gaze fixed on the future. "Lord Taurus, when the crown is in my hands, you shall be by my side as a high confidant, alongside my cousin Xander," he declared, raising his goblet in a toast to the men who had stood by him through thick and thin.
Lord Taurus with a sly grin took a sip of his wine and posed a question that lingered in the air like a looming shadow. "And what of your family members who remain loyal to your brother, my lord? What fate awaits them once we claim victory?"
Ryain's eyes gleamed with a mixture of resolve and ruthless ambition. "We shall strike swiftly and decisively. A group of my most trusted men will traverse the ancient escape tunnel to the enemy's stronghold. They will capture my wife, my daughter, and my brother's daughter. As for the rest... their lives will be forfeit."
Lord Taurus's grin widened, a glint of malicious amusement in his eyes. "You truly are a wild card, my king, But perhaps we should spare at least a few of the women for political leverage or alliances in the future."
The night wore on as the wine flowed freely, fueling their strategic discussions and dark ambitions. They spoke of the impending victory, of the kingdom that would soon be under Ryain's reign, and of the sacrifices that must be made to secure their power.
As the night drew to a close, Ryain Wessex and Lord Taurus Thorn raised their goblets once more in a toast to the future.

The two men, along with their allies, were engaged in deep conversation over goblets of wine Suddenly, a maid burst into the room, and she excuse taurus. She informed Lord Thorn that a messenger had arrived with a written message for Prince Ryain from his brother. Curiosity piqued, Lord Thorn took the message and read it.
The letter was a plea for peace, urging Ryain to return home and settle their differences through dialogue rather than resorting to the bloodshed of war. However, a twisted glint appeared in Lord Thorn's eyes as he decided to withhold the message from Ryain. He was secretly working towards his own agenda, manipulating events and alliances behind the scenes to ensure that his daughter would one day be queen having power on their side. With Ryain on the throne, Lord Thorn could manipulate events to elevate his own status. ensuring his family's power for generations to come.
Lord Thorn, began weaving his intricate web of deceit behind the scenes. He approached Hadya in her chambers, feigning concern for her troubled relationship with Ryain.
"How are you and Ryain doing, my love?" he inquired, concern lacing his voice. Hadya sighed, "Not well, father. Ryain is reluctant to have more children with me."
Lord Taurus Thorn's brow furrowed in frustration. "And why is that?" he pressed, sensing an opportunity. Hadya explained, "Ryain believes in the power of the l bloodline, particularly the gene. He wants only children born of Wessex women to inherit the transformative abilities."A calculating gleam entered Lord Taurus Thorn's eyes as he processed this information. "If that's the case," he mused, "we shall use it to our advantage." Hadya looked at her father, puzzled yet intrigued by his cryptic words.
Lord Taurus Thorn outlined his sinister plan to Hadya—poisoning the remaining living members of the Wessex family after the war to force Ryain's hand into marrying her. "Once the playing field is clear, Ryain will have no choice but to accept you as his queen," he assured her, a cold smile playing on his lips. Hadya was taken aback by the ruthlessness of her father's scheme, but she knew better than to question his intentions. "I will do as you command, father," she murmured, steeling herself for the role she would have to play in the dark days to come. Lord Taurus Thorn pulled her into a tight embrace, whispering, "Leave the manipulation to me, my dear. You just focus on playing your part."

Heir to the throne: Broken BloodWhere stories live. Discover now