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On this particular morning , a rare moment of peace descended upon the castle as members of both families gathered for a feast. Clover sat at the head of the table alongside her sister Senna , the stoic Roman Wessex, and other members of the royal household and notah family. They all sit and enjoy each other company trying to get many happy moments end before the war come upon them . Suddenly mazi gets up and ask for baby notah to spend some quality grandparent time.
As the evening progressed Navi approached him, requesting a moment alone. The tension between them was palpable as Navi confronted Notah about his seemingly close relationship with Clover.
A confused notah replies " but you knew about clover and how i feel about her whats the problem now". Navi smacks her lips and fold her arms before replying "im still your wife arranged marriage or not im also carrying a child of yours you dont have to ignore me either.  i just dont wanna be ignored a hey how your doing? Or a hows the baby would also be nice to hear from you. Trust me im only worried about my child and my well being." listening to her Notah tells responds " im sorry its just id never thought clover and i would be this close let alone under the same roof. Im sorry if i seem to ignore you do you wanna join the rest of us. She hesitates and agrees and he grabs her hands and they return to everyone. The eat enjoy each other company and soon everyone parted ways.
Roman and Notah decided to hone their combat skills in preparation for the upcoming war against Ryain and his supporters. As they sparred under the clear blue sky, Notah was amazed by Roman's incredible fighting prowess. "I can't believe how good you are, I can barely keep up," Notah gasped, taking a sip of water to catch his breath.
"It's like an instinct inside me. They used to call me 'Soultaker' on the battlefield," Roman replied modestly.
Notah's eyes widened in awe. "I've heard the stories about you. You truly live up to your reputation," he exclaimed.
After their training session, the two sat down to catch their breath. Notah couldn't help but ask Roman about his feelings towards the impending war against his own family.
Roman sighed heavily, a look of sadness crossing his face. "It breaks my heart to fight against my own blood. Plato, would make a far better king than Ryain. Ryain's thirst for power has clouded his judgment, and I fear the worst if he were to take the throne.
Roman shared with Notah the struggles of growing up with a power-hungry family, it always overshadowed the good ones. Notah listened intently, his perception of the Wessex family changing with each word Roman spoke.
"All those stories you heard about us, they only scratch the surface. We are not monsters, but flawed individuals trying to navigate a world of power and politics," Roman confessed. Notah nodded in understanding, a newfound respect blossoming in his heart for his former enemies turned friends.

While thats going on Senna and Clover awaited the arrival of Kai for her visit to the castle. As Kai entered the palace, she was greeted warmly by senna and clover.
As they made their way to the entertainment room, Joined by Navi who missed her. Kai couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and asked Clover about her intentions to marry Notah, considering he was already married to Navi. All eyes turned to Clover as she calmly explained that she had been with Notah first and had borne him a child before he had even met Navi. Navi, with a knowing smile, admitted that she had no desire for Notah and had only married him to fulfill her duties to her family. She revealed that they rarely shared a bed and had only done so to conceive a child - a duty expected of a queen in their society. The conversation took a surprising turn as Navi shared her upbringing, where she was taught by her mother to honor her husband and bear him heirs, echoing the values instilled in Kai by her own mother. Kai found a connection with Navi through their shared experiences, despite their differing circumstances. As the evening progressed, Kai, Clover, Navi, and Notah found common ground and a newfound understanding of each other's perspectives.
While down the hall Plato sat in the throne room in deep in conversation with Chief Krav.
As they discussed battle strategies, Chief Krav proposed a daring plan to use his mighty dragon to burn the enemy forces and aid in the fight as a blind attack fly so high up they wont see him comming."I know they will join the fight for added power. Do you know how hard it is to end a basilisk?" Chief Krav asked, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and concern.
King Plato nodded grimly. "You're right, it's not impossible, but it is indeed difficult. We need answers, someone who knows." With a determined expression, he called for the heven. Upon hearing their plea, Heven suggested seeking the guidance of the powerful seers and all-knowing angels in Creederya, a place of ancient wisdom and mystical knowledge. And so, without hesitation, King Plato, Chief Krav, and Heven embarked on a perilous journey to seek the counsel they so desperately needed. After a treacherous flight on Krav's dragon, the trio finally arrived at Creederya, a city of angels floating amongst the billowing clouds. They made their way to the Great Knowledge temple, where they were granted an audience with Olina Angevin, a wise and all-knowing angel revered for her vast intellect and prophetic vision. Heven explained their quest to Olina, recounting their need to find a way to end the life of a Wessex basilisk, should the need arise in battle. With a knowing nod, Olina disappeared into the depths of the temple, rummaging through ancient tomes and scrolls in search of a solution to their dilemma. After what seemed like an eternity, Olina emerged clutching a dusty book filled with cryptic runes and arcane symbols. She spoke of a legendary sword that could only be forged by combining Wessex blood with basilisk scales, a weapon of unparalleled power capable of defeating even the most formidable foe. Determined to bring their plan to fruition, King Plato, Chief Krav, and Heven set out to collect the necessary ingredients for the legendary sword. They gathered blood from the Wessex family and secured basilisk scales. Finally, they found a skilled swordsmith who, with unwavering determination, forged the legendary sword that gleamed with a radiant power unlike any other. As King Plato held the weapon in his hands, he made a solemn vow. "I will not use this against my brother," he declared, his eyes filled with a mix of resolve and sorrow. "This blade is for emergencies only, to be wielded against any threat that dares to stand in our way."

Leaving the safety of the Wessex castle, Notah returned to his village, where his best friend Kaell awaited him. Kaell had been left in charge by Chief Krav during their absence, and under his leadership, the village thrived. As they sat together, reminiscing about their past and catching up on the events that had unfolded in their absence, they formed a bond stronger than ever before. Notah shared tales of his training, his love of being around  their newborn son, while Kaell narrated his experiences in managing the village and admiring Kai who had taken on a leadership role with grace. Their conversation was took a turn when Kaell suggested they attend a bear fight in the village greens, a spectacle that drew crowds. Seated beside Notah's cousin, Kalee, and her friend Kira, the friends watched as two mighty bears, Reaper and Midnight, faced off in a battle that held the audience in rapt attention.
onlookers crowded around, shouting while bets were being struck on which fearsome beast would emerge victorious from the looming showdown the grizzly bear Reaper or the Large black bear Midnight. The two bear met in the middle of the arena. The crowd of Acroan roared with excitement as they eagerly awaited the intense battle between these two formidable opponents. The atmosphere was electric, filled with anticipation and adrenaline. Reaper, known for his immense size and strength, exuded confidence as he snarled at Midnight, his fur bristling with aggression. On the other side, Midnight, with his sleek black coat glistening in the fading light, showed no signs of backing down. As the signal was given, the two bears lunged at each other with thunderous roars, their claws slashing through the air. Reaper's brute force clashed with Midnight's speed and agility, creating a mesmerizing spectacle for the spectators. The ground shook with each powerful blow as the bears grappled and wrestled, their primal instincts taking over. As the fight reached its climax, both bears were bloodied and exhausted, their fur matted with sweat and dirt. But neither was willing to back down, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze of determination. The crowd held their breath, caught up in the intensity of the moment. In a final, heart-stopping moment, Reaper managed to land a crushing blow on Midnight, sending him tumbling to the ground with a thunderous thud. The arena fell silent as the dust settled, the outcome of the battle hanging in the balance. With a mighty roar, Midnight rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with defiance. Despite the odds stacked against him, he refused to surrender. The crowd erupted into cheers, awed by Midnight's resilience and fighting spirit. In a stunning turn of events, Midnight unleashed a series of lightning-fast strikes, catching Reaper off guard. The tables had turned, and it was now Midnight who had the upper hand. With a final, decisive blow, Midnight emerged victorious, his strength and tenacity earning him the title of champion. The Acroan warriors cheered and applauded, their admiration for both bears evident. "I knew midnight would win" notah says before getting bumped by Shune.
Shune, filled with anger and resentment, confronted him in front of the villagers. "Go back to the Wessex castle, you traitor! Are our women not good enough" Shune's voice echoed through the square, drawing the attention of onlookers. Notah, unwilling to back down, stood his ground. "Traitor? How am I a traitor when my heart led me to love a Wessex?" he retorted, meeting Shune's gaze unwaveringly. The crowd murmured with curiosity about Notah's defense. Shune shook his head in disbelief. "How do you know they're not just using you, manipulating you for their own gain?" he challenged, his words cutting through the tense silence. Notah's eyes blazed with determination as he revealed the internal turmoil within the Wessex family.
"Clover's decision to bear my child has torn the Wessex family apart. Some view her as a traitor, while others stand by her side. Prince Ryain, consumed by power, seeks to eliminate my child life since he is half acroan. Notah's impassioned speech resonated with the crowd, evoking a mix of sympathy and skepticism. "You can
hate me all you want," Notah declared, his voice unwavering, "but blood ties run deeper than animosity. My child's life is at stake, and I will protect him at all costs, even if it means facing the wrath of my own kin."
"If Ryain claims the crown, imagine the atrocities he would commit, starting with an innocent babe."
The villagers murmured amongst themselves Notah's passionate plea for understanding and compassion struck a chord within them. As the sun began to set on the horizon, casting long shadows over the village square Notah decided to make his way back to the castle before it gets to late.

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