Chapter 23

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Sorry for the mistakes. Happy reading!
“Taehyung, this project is the biggest project we are going to have. Please tolerate Mr. Jeon. Don't mess everything up, okay?”

“Yeah, I will try, Jimin.”

“Okay, give my love to Junhae and take a good rest. Don't worry, everything will be alright.”

“Humm, good night.”

Taehyung cuts the call and looks at Junhae. She is drooling over a picture of strawberry in her new book. Taehyung bought this book for her to show her some images and make her learn. But all she does is gaping and drooling at those images.

“Junhae, you love papa?”

Taehyung takes Junhae on his lap and starts talking with her. It's his routine to talk with her after he comes back from work. Junhae looks at his papa in a way as she is understanding everything and gives a pretty smile at last.

“Junhae is going to call me papa soon. Isn't she? Say yes to papa. Say yes. Are you hungry, bubba?”

Taehyung rubs his nose on her belly and she laughs while purring. Taehyung pecks on her cheek and engulfs her in a hug.

You are warm like your dad.
I have you only. You are going to stay with me, right? We have only ourselves. We are our family Junhae. Stay with me. Will you?

Junhae leans forward and places her head on Taehyung's chest as if she knew everything he thought.

“You are papa's super girl. You know that right?”

“Daehyun-ah, come down. The new tenant has arrived.”

Taehyung comes down with Junhae in his arms and enters the room. Taehyung's jaw drops looking at the tenant.

Jeon Jungkook?

“I am Mrs. Choi and this is my son..”

“Son-in-law, I am her Son-in-law, Daehyun. Nice to meet you.”

The old lady looks at Taehyung with confusion in her face and looks back at Jungkook to act normal.

“Yeah, and she is Choi Junhae, my granddaughter.” Mrs. Choi takes Junhae from Taehyung in her arms and starts rocking her slowly.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung with amused glossy eyes and smiles a little. Taehyung kept his head low all the time. Jungkook slowly approaches Junhae and she starts wriggling in Mrs. Choi's arm. She hides her face in the old lady's crook. Jungkook peeps playfully from behind and Junhae bawls out her eyes. Taehyung hurries to her and takes her in arms, “She can't adjust to the new appearances. It will take time.”

“Daehyun, go and feed her. I am coming.”

Taehyung bows a little and starts blubbering in Junhae's ears to calm her down, “Papa will show you strawberries. Junhae is my good girl. Isn't she? Bubba, don’t cry.”

Jungkook keeps looking at the direction where Taehyung disappears with Junhae.

“Where is your son, Mrs. Choi?”

“Ahh, he stays far away from here for his job.” Mrs. Choi changes the topic, “Keep yourself home and take a good rest, son. I will call you after the food is ready. If you need anything, you can just ask me or Dae-ah.”

Jungkook smiles a little and nods at her.

Mrs. Choi goes out of the room and the chaos can be audible from Jungkook's room now.

“Our Junhae is the prettiest. She will eat loads of strawberries when she grows big like papa. Junhae, bubba, stop crying. It's okay. You can be friends with him, right?”

“Ahhh, where is my princess? Is her tummy filled now? Let granny give you a piggyback ride. You are the sweetest girl, isn’t it?”

The slight whimpers can be heard too. Jungkook steps near the door and closes it without making a noise.

I spent all these months assuming that he is in sorrow, in loneliness, in grief. He is alright, he has a family now. He is happy. This is all I wanted. But if this is destiny, then why are we fated?
At the dinner table, there were only Taehyung and Jungkook.

“Where is Mrs. Choi and Junhae?”

“Junhae is sleeping and Eomma is staying beside her, in case she starts crying again.”

“I am really sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb her. I was just trying to play with her.”

“It's okay, Jungkook. She is a little different from the other kids of her age. It takes a lot of time for her to adjust. She will be friends with you. Don't worry.”

“Is there any problem with her health?”

“Not really. You know everything. I had loads of pills and suppressants once. So my pregnancy was a bit difficult. She is healthy but sensitive. Her progress with age is a bit low. That's all. Have your food, please. It will be cold soon.”

Jungkook slowly takes a bite of the food and the taste melts in his soul. It felt like he was hungry for years and someone just fed him.

“This is really good. You made it?”

Taehyung nods and Jungkook chuckles, “You remember, when we were in Seoul, you couldn’t even make an omelet. But look at you now, you are not less than any chef.”

“Time changed, Jungkook. We too changed. Haven’t we?”

“Indeed. You are a parent now. You are doing a job. You are happy and fine, as you promised. I am glad.”

Taehyung now looks at his eyes straight, “And how are you? How is everything at home?”

“Did you just call that house your home?” Jungkook lets out a sigh and says, “Dad passed away a few months back. Mom is okay, just like back then and Jae is married now.”

“Uncle passed away? I didn’t know. I wish I could be there with aunty.”

“We tried to find you out. But we couldn’t. We were in search of Taehyung and he was long gone. Now I know Daehyun only.”

“Taehyung died a long time ago. Daehyun is alive with all his memories, responsibilities and pasts. I am a parent now. I am having a good life here, I am truly fine and happy with everything but I do miss my family too.” Taehyung sighs, “Leave it. Jae is married now?”

“Yeah, and you know with whom?”

Taehyung looks at Jungkook with interest.

“Jhope hyung.”


“They have been in love since coming back from Pohang. Dad came to know about her job and relationship. He didn’t stop her. She is doing her job and married to Jhope before dad died. Dad said he couldn’t do any more injustice. He died with a lot of guilt, Taehyung. Wish you could see him before his death.”

Tears roll down from Taehyung's eyes, “I never thought things would change. I am feeling guilty that he couldn’t die in peace.”

“Things are always different from whatever you think it is.”

Jungkook lets out a sigh and Taehyung can't utter a word more. After dinner, Jungkook gets back to his room. There are a lot of things to ask. There are loads of things to solve.

That night Jungkook couldn’t sleep in impatience and Taehyung couldn’t sleep in confusion. Both had their insecurities. One had to look for their fate and one had to keep the secrets safe.

I hope you liked it.

Thank you for reading.

Have a good day and a peaceful night.


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