ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟛

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~Pls VOTE and COMMENT <3 Alsoo ahhhh cute soobinnn!!!~

-Start of Chapter 23-

"Aishhh I ain't getting home in this rain." I sigh looking outside. "I'm worried about Hana. Although the uni is close by our home."

Soobin looks at me reassuringly. "She'll be fine. She's not a baby." he says with a playful smile.

"Still..." I reply, trailing off as the thunder crashes again.

Soobin sinks into the sofa, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. "How about we watch a movie to take your mind off things?" he suggests. "I'd drive you home, but Yeonjun hyung stole my car."

I chuckle. "Of course he did."

The weather outside continues its assault, the wind and rain creating a symphony of chaos. 

Soobin glances at the window and then back at me. "Yeah, I'm scared to go outside as well." he admits with a sheepish grin. "Let's just watch a movie."

He flips through the movies until he lands on a horror movie. "How about this?" he asks, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I raise an eyebrow. "A horror movie? In this weather?"

"It'll be fun." he insists, settling in next to me on the couch. He grabs a blanket from the back of the sofa and drapes it over both of us. "Don't tell me you're too scared." he smirks.

I shoot him a dirty look.

He laughs, "So?"

I roll my eyes but can't help smiling. "Alright, let's do it."


As the movie begins, the tension builds with eerie music and suspenseful scenes making my heart race. 

A gasp escapes my lips as there is a jumpscare, but it's Soobin who really reacts. He lets out a squeal, grabs my arm, and hides behind me.

"Seriously?" I chuckle, feeling both amused and braver than usual. 

Soobin peeks over my shoulder, his face flushed with embarrassment. "I-I wasn't scared." he protests weakly. "I was just... startled."

"Uh-huh, sure." I tease, gently nudging him with my elbow.

Another jump scare has Soobin clutching me tighter, his face buried against my shoulder. I can't help but laugh, my own fear easing in the face of his adorable cowardice.

"So much for being the brave protector." I say, patting his arm.

"Okay, okay," Soobin concedes, his voice muffled. "You win. I'm a coward."

"At least you're an honest coward." I say, smiling warmly.

He sits back up, still holding onto my arm but trying to regain some composure. "Fine, I'll be brave for real this time." he declares, but his eyes betray his lingering fear.

"Will you though?"

"Shut up."


"Why the fuck would you go there?!?!" I exclaim, frustration bubbling over. "There is a fucking sign that says 'DO NOT ENTER!'"

Soobin laughs nervously, his own anxiety palpable. "I know, right? It's like they're asking for it."

Before I can respond, another jump scare erupts from the screen, louder and more startling than the others. A scream escapes my lips as I instinctively hide behind Soobin, my hands clutching his shirt tightly.

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