Chapter 16

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Lucy's POV:

I woke up with a loud bang on the door. "princess your father request your presence", Virgo say. I get up and put on a dress before walking down to the throne room very displeased because I need to get to the field.

"Lucy," my father says " we are throwing your engagement ball tomorrow, and you must be on your best behavior."

" Yes sir," I say as I look down still pissed off the I am getting married.

" One other thing, I know you sneak out of the castle to visit the local villages."

I am shocked that he knows, but I only look up and say " why would you think th-" then I'm cut off.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB," he shouts at me before regaining his stature " Lucy I will let you go outside every day until your wedding, but after that you must never set foot outside again unless your Daniel says you can."

He gets up from his throne and hands me six invitations to the ball. " I will allow this many of your friends to come to the party as a treat for your obedience." he walks back to his throne and sits down as he starts rubbing his temples.

"Thank you father," I look him in the eye and he gestures me to leave. I run back up to my room as quickly as I can and put on my blue mini skirt and white tank top, I grab my bag and belt and bolt out the doors of the palace almost completely free for the time being.

I'm so happy I do cart wheels and I run to the meadow where I first met Natsu.

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