Chapter 22

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Natsu's POV:

As we walked down to the town I had a felling a had forgotten to ask Luce a very important question. " well you have been awfully quiet for a while." Lucy said with a smirk plastered on her face. It was at that moment I had remembered what I wanted to ask her.

" hey Lucy I got a question. What the hell kinda magic do you use anyway? Cuz from the little bit I saw the other day it looks awesome." With that question Lucy froze for a second the smiled as she replied," I am a celestial spirit Mage, I summon spirits from the celestial world to help me fight." She patted the brown leather pouch in her belt that made little giggly noises as we walked.

" or at least I used to summon them from the celestial world." She sadly looked down at the ground as we got closer to the town.

" wait what do you mean by 'used to'?"

She looked up at the sky took in a deep breath and began to explain," well my mother was a celestial Mage as well and a few years after she died my father used a very powerful magical spell trapping the spirits here to uses as slaves; not only that but he locked up the celestial King and none of the spirits have been to their own world in years. It has really taken a toll on them, and I could never forgive him for that, because they are living creatures just like us. I've been looking for a way to send them back ever sense."

" that's awful Lucy, is there any way I could help? I want to help your friends get back to there world as well." She look at me and with a disappointed tone to her voice said," I'm sorry Natsu but there is nothing you can do, only when the twelve zodiac keys are together can the spell have a chance of breaking."

" well how many zodiac keys do you have?"

" ten, and I have know clue where to find the other ones."

We arrived at the entrance of the town and Lucy headed straight for the library. " so what are we doing here?"

" I gotta give the invites to the rest of my friends." She seemed to cheer up but I can still tell that she was upset.

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