The Reaping

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Charlotte Addam's POV:
Years of war is the reason we stand every year and pray our name isn't called. I'm from a nice family in District 12 so to hear my name called was a shock to say the least.

I thought it was a mistake as everyone stared at me. How could it be me? I slowly walk forward as the mayor repeats my name. It had to be a mistake. Thoughts ran full speed through my mind as I hear the snickers and apologies of those around me.

I felt fear as I got to the stage. I could see my mother crying against my father as he salutes me just like he did when I was younger and would try to help him with anything and everything, just wanting to get involved. Slowly I raise my hand and salute back to him with a soft smile.

That one salute creates a chain of them as the crowd begins humming to our District Anthem. I giggle slightly at the sight but am pulled back by a Peacekeeper.

Just then I hear a cry in the crowd and see my youngest brother, Sammy running to the stage. I pull away from the Peacekeeper and run to him, trying to keep a brave face for my brother.

My arms wrap around him. "Sam, Sammy, listen to me, I'll be back, I'll come home, I promise" I say as tears fall down my face. I know I don't have a lot of time as the Peacekeeper steps closer.

"Don't leave me, Lottie" I hear him cry and it breaks my heart as I try to calm him. "I'm sorry, I'll be back, I'll fight for you, I promise, Sammy, think of me" I try to promise despite knowing this may be the last time I'll see him.

Just then I feel myself getting pulled away by my dress as I salute my baby brother. Then the door closes as I'm pulled from my family and life forever, to likely never return.

Soon enough, I am pushed into an empty train carriage with Lucas, the boy from my district. All I can do is crouch down in a corner and try to hide my tears as I think of how this all happened.

I am sixteen years old and the daughter of an Army Commander originally from the Capitol but sent to District 12 who owned a farm and donated to charity. As each of the tributes get on, I realise how truly lost I am.

It doesn't take long for me to realise I'm completely dead. I don't fight, I wear pretty baby pink dresses and bows. I can't kill so much as an insect, how am I meant to kill people?

I notice Lucas, the boy from my district, sit beside me and begin talking. "How are you feeling, Lottie?" He asks gently. "As well as someone nearing death can be" I giggle naively.

I grew up with Lucas so to know that we may both be dead in a few days is sad. He's two years ahead of me and does seasonal work on our family's farm. "How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Like death, I'm starting to wish I'd smuggled a rope in my trousers to hang myself with" he says in a joking manner or at least I assume so. "If it helps all I got is lipgloss and a compact mirror" I smile, feeling dumb.

"Lipgloss? And a mirror?" Lucas asks incredulously. I giggle, nodding "I never leave the house without them" I smile, "kinda wish I had a brush though, those peacekeepers messed up my hair."

"I can try and help, I used to do my sister's hair" Lucas offers with a smile as I agree. I move to sit in front of him so he can do my hair. Maybe if I try to make a friend then I won't be so lonely on my death bed?

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