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Charlotte Addam's POV:
I walk backstage to see Coriolanus. I move through the crowd of stylists and back to the little room just as Coriolanus walks in. I am thankful to see him. The interview having drained me and needing to see how he thought I did.

Coriolanus Snow's POV:
I sit down in the little room across from her as she sits with her knees to her chest. It's ridiculous how much she looks like a dumb child, dressed in a silly pink dress and all small and fragile. It makes me wanna slap her and comfort her at the same time.

"You did well up there" I say, trying to softly comfort her and get her on my side. "You think, mister?" Charlotte asks. Her words sound hopeful as she looks up with her stupidly gorgeous smile.

"Perfect, doll" I assure despite only being able to think of how pretty she'd look against a wall. "Next time lay low on the flattery" I suggest to appear somewhat helpful.

"Flattery?" Charlotte questions. It's almost unreal how dumb she is. All I want is to smack some sense into her empty head. "Yes, flattery, doll. You flattered him too much" I explain, ignoring my thoughts of her.

"I- I was just trying to be nice, mister" she defends despite sounding dejected like a child who got told Santa isn't real. "I know, doll, but it's unsafe for you. It'll make you an easy target, I've explained that already, doll" I speak, softly but sternly with no real love or care.

Charlotte softly sighs "oh okay". Her words come out almost like she's saying a prayer and I almost feel bad for being so mean but then I remember it'll be easier for me to build her into a fighter if I break her down first.

"We need to talk" I tell her, my voice cold and almost demanding as she looks up at me with a near scared look in her eyes. "It's about the games, I have some suggestions."

"Have you considered allies?" I ask, knowing she likely won't have thought of anything relevant recently. "Like Lucas?" She suggests. I almost wanna roll my eyes from how naive she sounds.

"Yes, like Lucas. At the beginning allies would be helpful for you. It would be mean that you have less chance of being hunted or killed, doll" I explain as she nods, seemingly mindless, "but you will need to leave them when the tributes lessen."

"Leave them?" Charlotte asks, her voice sounding more and more terrified by the second. "You would need to leave them all once it gets down to lower numbers incase they kill you. Remember you can't trust anyone in that arena."

I stand up in front of her, gauging how likely she is to win as she looks up at me. She looks like a small child with her wide fearful eyes, knees to her chest and stupid baby pink dress. "Don't look so scared, doll, you are making yourself a target" I snap at Charlotte.

"Bu- but you are the only one here, mister" she defends like a doll being given lines. "And?" I speak, "once you let your guard down with anyone then you are in trouble, doll, don't trust anyone, got it?"

"Got it" Charlotte speaks, her voice quiet and dejected like a kicked puppy. I watch for a moment as she looks down and am almost tempted to tug at her stupid pigtails. Who above the age of seven wears their hair in half up half down with pigtails?

Before I can chastise her behaviour, a peacekeeper walks in and announces they must bring her back to the zoo. I follow her until she is out back in the van roughly. Despite wanting to smack her, I have to hold myself back from beating the peacekeeper who threw her into the back of the vehicle.

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