The Interview

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Charlotte Addam's POV:
It wasn't too long before I was being taken to a studio elsewhere for my interview. Luckily for me, Coriolanus was also taken with me as he is my mentor however I was separated from Lucas.

To be honest, I felt like a doll as they all spoke about me as though I wasn't there. Their backhanded compliments had me questioning myself so by the time I was left with only Coriolanus, I was on the verge of tears.

Coriolanus walks closer to me as I sit on the chair, he slowly leans down to my level as I look up with tears brimming in my eyes. We both stay silent as he slowly reaches for my face and wipes the tears with his thumb.

"Pretty girls shouldn't cry" Coriolanus mumbles as I felt my breathing speed up. "Calm down, you're doing well, just keep that cute little smile and you'll be perfect, perfect like a doll" he says, whether his words were meant to be comforting was a whole debate however it was the kindest thing he'd said since we'd met.

"Will you be watching, mister?" I ask, hopeful for his support. "I'll be front row, doll" he grins down as he softly rubs circles against my cheek, "now, you gonna be a good girl and play your part?"

"Play my part" I whisper more so for myself as he slowly stands up and pulls his hand away from my cheek however this time he switches to holding my hand and tugging me to follow him to the stage entrance.

"Play your part" Coriolanus says with a salute just as my father had done during the reaping. I force a smile onto my face as Lucky Flickerman begins his introduction. I wave to the already piercing crowd which causes even more chaos as my eyes follow where Coriolanus now sits.

"Now, the one we've all been waiting for tonight, Charlotte Addam of District 12" Lucky laughs as the crowd finally quietens slightly. We both take seats as I smile sweetly and wave at the roaring crowd.

"Now, Charlotte, to get us comfortable, what is your favourite colour?" Lucky asks. A giggle leaves my soft lips as I feel myself relaxing, "it has to be pink, especially baby pink, I can't get enough of it."

"Isn't that the sweetest thing? How perfect that our own Capitol doll's favourite colour is pink?" he laughs as I hear the audience follow his words like they were gospel, causing a wave of laughter.

"Why don't you tell us about your family? We have all been wondering since we saw that boy run up during your reaping, was that family?" Lucky asks.

"That was my little brother, Sammy. He truly is the sweetest in all of Panem though I could say the same for all my siblings" I smile, my southern accent laced into my words. "How many siblings do you have, sweetie?" he inquires.

"Six in total, four older siblings and two younger ones, I love them all to bits" I smile sweetly as I see Coriolanus smirk in the audience at my words which tells me I'm playing the part perfectly.

"Now tell us, what is the one thing you want? In the whole world, anything you can think of" Lucky asks but it doesn't take me any thought. "To go home, all I want is to be with my family" I smile sadly, thinking of them.

I can hear the crowd 'aww' at my answer. "We can only hope you get that" Lucky laughs though I have my doubts I ever will go home. "How about something more cheerful? What are you looking forward to about these games?"

"The only thing I like about the games is the opportunity to meet all these new people from different places, I love it" I giggle as I think of all the other tributes and those people in the crowd.

"Isn't that the sweetest thing? We all love meeting you as well, Charlotte of 12" He smiles into the microphone. "Now, why don't you tell us something special about you? A little secret? Maybe a crush back home you wanna impress."

"Well I hate to disappoint but there isn't a boy back home for me" I smile softly. "There certainly will be lines of them once you win, sweetheart" Lucky laugh but I doubt I will win, "perhaps a Capitol boy has caught your eyes? Maybe a particular mentor?"

I giggle gently at this, knowing the best way to play the part is to play coy. "I'm not quite sure, Lucky, might have to win just to check, don't you think?" I tease as I feel Coriolanus' stare harden on me.

"Now, as much as I hate to say goodbye, I must. Do you have any last words for the audience?" He offers. I know this is my last chance to make an impression so I smile innocently and take a step forward.

"I'll be thinking of you. You'll be in my heart, in my mind and in my thoughts. Remember me?" I speak softly. My one last plea before blowing a kiss to the crowd and walking off. Even once I'm backstage I can hear their applause and voices of encouragement.

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