The Finale.

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Charlotte Addam's POV:
I smile as I see him with the bloody axe but then he collapses. "Lucas!" I yell as I run to him. "Lu- Lucas?" I mumble as he collapses. I can see the scars across his face and body, the rips of his clothes and the blood dripping from his mouth.

I try to shake him, to awake him, to save him but all I get in response is a mumble. "Lu- Lucas? Please speak, look at me, open your eyes, anything. Please Lucas" I cry as I collapse beside him. His eyes struggle to stay open as I hold his face in my hands.

"I- I'm sorry. I couldn't do it" he struggles out. "Listen to me, it's gonna be okay, I- I'll get us out, I promise. You did so good, you helped us" I feel tears fall as lean down to him. He struggles to breathe as I try to soothe circles against his cheeks like my mum would do for me as a kid.

"I don't wanna die" he sobs, blood dripping from his mouth and wounds soaking his clothes. "Yo- you're not gonna. It'll be okay. It'll be okay, Lucas, I promise. I- I'll make it better" I cry as I try to stop the blood, "I shouldn't have left."

"I'm so sorry, Lucas. I- I should've stayed. It should've been me, Luc" I say, scared out of mind. "You did it. You protected me. You helped me. You did all you could. I'm so proud of you, Lottie" he speaks softly, passing me the pink lighter as I watch him take his last breath.

Lilly tries to pull me away but I don't move. I can't move. Everything slows down as I cry against his chest. The sound of the canon going off. There's only five left and I know soon enough they'll come out to finish us off but I can't move.

"You gotta go, they'll be back" Lilly speaks softly but I shake my head, crying before I look up from his chest. "I can't. H- he protected me. He comforted me. He helped me. I can't leave him like this. I'd rather die" I bawl, shakily.

Coriolanus Snow's POV:
I watch the screen in anger. Was she really this stupid? Giving her life away all for some dead boy. If it wasn't for the peacekeepers, I would storm in there and kill her myself before the tributes do.

"What an idiot" I hear the mentor of one of the careers mutter and I have to hold back from beating him. Yes, she is an idiot. Possibly the dumbest girl I know but that gives him no right to speak about my girl like that.

Charlotte Addam's POV:
I slowly look up when I hear footsteps. I see Olive and Ray from District 1 standing there. I pull the bloody axe from Lucas' grip just as Ray pulls Lilly to him.

"Let go!" I shout at him, wiping my tears a I stand up on the ice with the axe in my grip. "Why should we, princess? You gonna kill us as well? Look at you, you're a wreck over some stupid boy, you can't kill us now, princess" Olive snaps at me.

I step back as she steps closer to me. I can see Ray holding a knife to Lilly's neck but not moving as I notice the boy from 11, Jacob, coming out of hiding. "Let go of her, please" I practically beg the people. I don't care if I die at this point so long as she lives.

"Or what?" Ray speaks as Olive circles me with her long blade. "Please, just-" I go to speak but then I see him slit her stomach open. I scream out in fear as I run to her. It's too late. She's already dead.

I stumble to the floor in fear and grief. I see Jacob moving close to us on the ice. Olive stabs the ground with her blade and I hear a crack of the thick ice.

I slowly get to my feet as Olive moves closer but then the crack is bigger. I run quickly off the ice and towards the cornucopia as Olive and Ray chase me. I see Jacob follow but then the ice crashes down.

"Ray!" I hear Olive shout as the drowns. It takes me a moment to realise it's not water she's drowning in but blood. I am tempted to help her but instead I run as Jacob also falls into the deep pond of metallic liquid.

Rushing, I climb the cornucopia with the axe in my hand. I see Ray following me angrily as I reach the top, canons go off. I can't let Lucas' death be in vain.

"Nowhere to run now, princess" Ray snaps. His voice menacing as I stumble away from him. "Y- you killed Lilly! You killed her!" I yell as I get up. All fear leaves me as I aim the axe for him. He falls back as tears stream my face. His last word being a cry for Olive.

I begin hitting him repeatedly, not holding back no more as I hear another canon go off. His blood splatters my dress as I see Olive climb out of the blood bath. "You're so dead, princess" she yells, running for me but my mind goes blank as I slash her stomach open with one strong swing.

Coriolanus Snow's POV:
I cheer at the screen as I hear the last canon. "She won! She won! Let her out now, Gaul" I yell as Dr Gaul stares at the sight of my girl covered in blood that isn't her own on the big screen.

"Our little sweetheart did it! Coriolanus Snow is the winner of the 12th annual hunger games" Lucky Flickerman announced like he did with Lucy Gray but this time it was actually happening. I look around as the people surround me. Snow lands on top.

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