Day 2

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Charlotte Addam's POV:
I woke up and my first sight was the blood stained snow where the boy from 7 died. I know it was Coriolanus but I didn't want to say. I slowly climb down with Lucas and walk towards the snow where I can see the indent of his body.

Lucas slowly picks up the axe. I watch him cautiously as he handles it, I can't help but wonder if he would use it against me during the games but I don't say so aloud.

"14 are dead" I say softly to Lucas. "That went quick" he laughs, I can't help but wonder how long I have left in the games before I am just another canon going off. I look around, the cold getting to me quickly. All I want is to be back home in District 12.

"We should look out for more tributes, maybe check out the cornucopia" he suggests and I slowly nod, realising that it is our best option incase there is a lighter somehow.

We walk back to the cornucopia, looking out for tributes but everyone seems completely hidden or too cold to fight. I hurry and grab the pink lighter and coat. Even if I am to die soon, I don't want it being of hypothermia.

I pull it on but just then the careers return with expressions of anger. I know it was down to 10 of us and I have a strong feeling they're the reason for that. I watch as Lucas walks in front of me with the axe, I realise what is about to happen.

The three careers move closer to Lucas and I find myself using the lighter to set a piece of wood on fire and aiming at them. It knocks the girl from 1 down but Ray and Olive (the boy and girl from 2) walk closer to me and past Lucas. I hold the dagger as my little protection.

"Well, well, the little princess can fight. You ready to have some consequences, princess?" Olive, the girl from 2, speaks with a mocking tone as I step back. I know she is on about the boy from 1 that I'd killed to save Coriolanus the night of the viewing.

Just then the boy from 4 is standing behind me with a trident of sorts. I signal for Lucas to step away as they surround me. I knew by killing that boy I'd have made some enemies but I didn't know that it would lead to such a gruesome end.

Coriolanus Snow's POV:
I watch anxiously and before I can stop myself I send 10 drones to her just as the four people surround her. I almost want one to hit Lucas as well just to get him out of the way for her.

I can't hide my smirk as I see Charlotte duck and the four careers get hit. One drone even knocking Lucas down to the hard snow. The mentors protest but Dr Gaul doesn't stop me. She doesn't care about them winning, all she wants is a show.

Charlotte slowly gets up and grabs some of the gifts I'd sent using the drone. I see her going to Lucas much to my annoyance as she holds two waters, bandages and matches. It almost makes me want to go into the arena myself just to smack some sense into her but I refrain for now.

Charlotte Addam's POV:
I rush with the injured Lucas back to a tree as we wait up within the branches. I hear two canons go off and realise that it is two of careers. There is now only eight of us left and eventually we will all turn on each other.

"Lottie?" He whispers. His voice barely audible as he holds his stomach and I realise that blood is seeping through his shirt. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly despite knowing what's wrong as I pull out the bandages.

"A- am I dying?" Lucas asks softly. I look up at the boy I'd grown up with and shake my head. "You're gonna be fine, okay?" I speak as I try to be strong for us both, "I- I'll keep you safe, I promise, Lucas, you're gonna be fine. I- I'm gonna protect us, got it?"

He slowly lifts his shirt as I begin applying rubbing alcohol against the injury. It hurts me to know that it was Coriolanus sending drones which did this to him. I softly bandage him as I avoid hurting him more than he already is.

I pull off the jacket I'd found in the cornucopia and pass it to him. "Take it" I say quietly as I watch out for more tributes. He pulls it on and I slowly pass him one of the two waters.

We sit in silence as I try to numb the cold. I hear another scream and realise it's the girl from 5 but then silence fills the arena. Another canon. 17 are dead in the past two days.

Being trapped in this arena truly proves the worst thing about humanity. We may believe ourselves to be too holy or too human to kill yet when it comes down to it, we'll kill. We'll kill because that's what we were made to do. In this arena, the morals of society die and the lines of humanity blur.

In the end we are just kids. We are just kids who got punished for someone else's mistakes. No one really wants to kill or hurt but we have no choice. Once the alarm goes off, our only thought is survival and each canon gives a little bit of hope that one day we'll be home.

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