Trust me

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*Warning* This chapter contains depictions of abuse. Reader discretion is advised.

Lily's POV

Three weeks passed since I had spoken to Mason. I thought about him every single day no matter how hard I tried not to. It wasn't until then that I realized how much I cared about him, maybe I even loved him. But then, what did I know about love. No one in this house had ever shown me any love, only how to hate. And hate them I did.

"Are you ready?" William said as he entered the room. He had made it a requirement for us to mingle in town every Friday evening. He said that way everyone would know we were a couple, and it wouldn't come as such a shock when we sent out wedding invitations. His idea of mingling was going to a lounge with his friends and spending the whole evening watching him turn into a mean belligerent drunk, and ending the night with him always forcing himself on me. I hated that the most.

"I'm ready." I faked a smile, tucking my hand in his arm and heading for the door.

As we made our way to the car, I had a strong feeling that I was being watched. I scanned the perimeter of the yard until my eyes landed on something strange. It looked like there was someone in the bushes. I quickly looked at William and then the bodyguards on each side of us to make sure neither of them had noticed.

As we got into the car I looked toward the bushes again, this time, I saw a man looking right at us. When he saw me notice him he winked and stepped back out of sight. As we arrived at the lounge we were greeted by Williams posse and their wives.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room." I said as sweetly as I could, so as not to make William mad that I was bailing already.

"Oh I'll go with you, I need to powder my nose." Jenna said.

Jenna was married to Ryan, Williams best and most loyal friend. I had suspected that they would always send Jenna with me to make sure I didn't say or do anything I wasn't supposed to.

"Don't be to long." William said in my ear.

"I won't." I said as he kissed my cheek.

"So, have you guys set a date yet?" Jenna asked with fake excitement as we walked to the restrooms.

"William wants it to be sometime next spring." I said, trying to match her excitement.

"I think spring is the perfect time to get married. It's not to hot or to cold. So you could have an outdoor wedding if you wanted too." Jenna said.

I nodded. "Outdoor weddings are lovely."

"And the colors are just beautiful, the pinks and yellows and blues and greens..." She continued.

I tried hard to seem interested as she rambled on and on about it. I blinked hard fighting back tears.

Upon reaching the restrooms I quickly entered a stall and sat down just as the tears began to fall. All that talk about the wedding made me sick to my stomach. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I heard a toilet flush and the sink turn on.

"Lil, you alright, you're awful quiet tonight?" I heard Jenna call.

"Fine, I'll be just a minute." I said, trying to sound normal.

"I'm going to be waiting just outside for you when you're done." She called, walking out of the room.

"Ok." I answered.

I wiped my eyes and pulled a little mirror from my purse to make sure my make up was ok. I didn't want to give any hints that I had been crying. I dabbed a tissue on my face and quickly put the mirror away. As I opened the stall door I saw out of the corner of my eye that someone was exiting the stall next to mine and suddenly I was being shoved against the wall with a hand over my mouth.

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